impossible to migrate on my VPS

I have rented a VPS server for a few hours, but the "migrate" button does not work

Try moving your MQL5 VPS to another server (Change Server) and try again, that usually works.


This MQL5 VPS is per trading account so make sure that you login to your trading account;
the trading account which is associated with MQL5 VPS:

Besides, make sure that you fill Community tab of Metatrader with your forum login and forum password.

Eleni Anna Branou # :

Try moving your MQL5 VPS to another server (Change Server) and try again, that usually works.

I tried to do this before and I just did it again but it still doesn't work.
Sergey Golubev # :

This MQL5 VPS is per trading account so make sure that you login to your trading account;
the trading account which is associated with MQL5 VPS:

Besides, make sure that you fill Community tab of Metatrader with your forum login and forum password.

I was logged into my Mql5 account in the MT5 software before I could rent the VPS. Without being connected it is impossible to rent a VPS server that's how it is shown in my mql5 account
ulrichesso #:
I was logged into my Mql5 account in the MT5 software before I could rent the VPS. Without being connected it is impossible to rent a VPS server

Are you logged into your MQL5 account with your ulrischesso login and NOT your email?

Eleni Anna Branou # :

Êtes-vous connecté à votre compte MQL5 avec votre identifiant ulrischesso et NON avec votre e-mail ?

My MQL5 identifier is my email. In addition, I paid with the money that was directly in my ulrichesso account, which proves that I was connected to my ulrichesso account during the rental.

ulrichesso #:

My MQL5 identifier is my email. In addition, I paid with the money that was directly in my ulrichesso account, which proves that I was connected to my ulrichesso account during the rental.

1. Are you still connected with Community tab with your forum login and forum password?
I mean - now, during the migration trying?
Your forum login is ulrichesso because the link to your profile is

2. Is your Metatrader connected to your trading account?
I mean: the trading account which was used to subscribe to MQL5 VPS?

My example- I filled Community tab of Metatrader and it is my proof in Metatrader journal:

And it is my Windows version and Metatrader 5 build (Metatrader is telling me about it in the journa):

And I connected my Metatrader to the trading account, and it is my proof:


And I still have 24 free minutes left.
It means - I can connect this trading account to MQL5 VPS (because MQL5 VPS subscription is per trading account):

Sergey Golubev # :

1. Êtes-vous toujours connecté à l'onglet Communauté avec votre identifiant de forum et votre mot de passe de forum ?
Je veux dire - maintenant, pendant la migration en essayant?
Votre identifiant de forum est ulrichesso car le lien vers votre profil est ulrichesso

2. Votre Metatrader est-il connecté à votre compte de trading ?
Je veux dire : le compte de trading qui a servi à souscrire au VPS MQL5 ?

Mon exemple - j'ai rempli l'onglet Communauté de Metatrader et c'est ma preuve dans le journal Metatrader :

Et c'est ma version Windows et la build Metatrader 5 (Metatrader m'en parle dans le journal):

Et j'ai connecté mon Metatrader au compte de trading, et c'est ma preuve :


Et il me reste encore 24 minutes gratuites.
Cela signifie - je peux connecter ce compte de trading à MQL5 VPS (car l'abonnement MQL5 VPS est par compte de trading) :

Thank you for your answer. Yes I have rechecked and I am currently connected.

By digging, the problem comes from elsewhere. I just don't have access to the VPS function in my MT5. In the screenshot attached to my comment, you will see that the VPS icon is displayed in gray and not working, when it should be displayed in blue. do you have an idea of the origin of the problem?

I would like to know how to reactivate the VPS function in my MT5. it's disabled VPS in gray and disabled
ulrichesso #: I would like to know how to reactivate the VPS function in my MT5. it's disabled

Your screenshot seems to be from a very old MetaTrader build. Are you perhaps using a 32-bit build of MetaTrader?

If so, 32 bit MT5 is no longer supported for many years now.

Show your Journal log identifying ...

  • MetaTrader build
  • Computer details
  • Successful login on MQL5 Community account
  • and any other message that may be relevant to the VPS