How to post video screen shot in screen shot section?

I am adding a product in ml5 market. I am able to put a you tube video, but i want to add a video in screen shot section. Do we have to upload all videos in screenshot section or upload screenshot with other data type. Please respond if you know the answer.
Abhishek Yadav: I am adding a product in ml5 market. I am able to put a you tube video, but i want to add a video in screen shot section. Do we have to upload all videos in screenshot section or upload screenshot with other data type. Please respond if you know the answer.

By using an Animated GIF image (for example, produced by "ScreenToGif"), but please note the following ...

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Product page are not saving gif as animated image.

Fernando Carreiro, 2023.04.29 18:59

It used to be that it had to be 640x480 (no more and no less). However, now it seems to have different rules for screenshots ...

Images should meet the following requirements:

  • Maximum size: 1920x1080 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 720 pixels at least on one side.
  • Maximum file size: 2 MB
  • Format: GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG.
  • All text in the screenshots should be in English and well readable.
  • Maximum number of screenshots: 12.