how to set object description

Hi all
does anybody know how to set the description property to line objects that are created programmatically?

I wrote the following code, but couldn't find how to set the 'description property' (the description that is shown upside the line when drawn in charts)

ObjectCreate("line1", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], value);
ObjectSet("line1", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSet("line1", OBJPROP_COLOR, White);

is there an OBJPROP_DESCRIPTION property or sth like that?

thank you,
Try :-
bool ObjectSetText( string name, string text, int font_size, string font=NULL, color text_color=CLR_NONE) 
Here's a snippet that also adds a price label (as the bid/ask lines)

//| Helper                                                           |
void SetLevel(string text, double level, color col1)
   string labelname= text + " Label";
   string linename= text + " Line";

   if (ObjectFind(labelname) != 0) {
      ObjectCreate(labelname, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[20], level);
      ObjectSetText(labelname, " " + text, 8, "Arial", White);
   else {
      ObjectMove(labelname, 0, Time[20], level);
   if (ObjectFind(linename) != 0) {
      ObjectCreate(linename, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[40], level);
      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_COLOR, col1);
   else {
      ObjectMove(linename, 0, Time[40], level);
thank you