Detect New Month High/Low

Good day,
I am trying to detect the higher/lower of month.
I really can't see where i do wrong. Can you help me please ?

datetime start_mnth = iTime(NULL,PERIOD_MN1,0);
MqlDateTime structure_date_mnth;


//--- week: 
                USD_plus_hi = iHigh(USD_paires[v],PERIOD_D1,iHighest(USD_paires[v],PERIOD_D1,MODE_HIGH,(,0));
                USD_plus_lo = iLow (USD_paires[v],PERIOD_D1,iLowest (USD_paires[v],PERIOD_D1,MODE_LOW ,(,0));


Email Temporaire:
Good day,
I am trying to detect the higher/lower of week.
I really can't see where i do wrong. Can you help me please ?



Try the above instead of :
Yashar Seyyedin #:

Try the above instead of :

it doesn't work.
i don't look for wich day of week, but :
- wich day (int index) from today is
- the highest/lowest of
- this month

and then, I get the double price (iHigh / iLow) for signal in case of break out/down.

Email Temporaire #:

it doesn't work.
i don't look for wich day of week, but :
- wich day (int index) from today is
- the highest/lowest of
- this month

and then, I get the double price (iHigh / iLow) for signal in case of break out/down.

high_value=iHigh(USD_paires[v], PERIOD_MN1, 0);
i found