MT5 strategy tester error, anyone else getting this?



So essentially I have been testing stuff using the metatrader strategy tester. I have been using a custome expert advisor for a while and it was working completely fine.

However like 1 or 2 days ago, all the data seems to be wrong. Getting multiple issues now, with below being the 2 main errors. This is the feb 9 2023 version of mt5.

having trouble uploading pic, but basically says

not enough money [request buy 44.14 AUDJPY at 85.354 sl: 84.043 tp: 86.228] ;

failed request buy 44.14 AUDJPY at 85.354  sl: 84.043 tp: 86.228 [No money]


This shouldnt be a code issue, since I tested a previous version that for sure worked.

Not sure if this was just a new update changing thing or I just have some minor issue, but if anyone got some insight, that would be great.

The Fundamentals of Testing in MetaTrader 5
The Fundamentals of Testing in MetaTrader 5
What are the differences between the three modes of testing in MetaTrader 5, and what should be particularly looked for? How does the testing of an EA, trading simultaneously on multiple instruments, take place? When and how are the indicator values calculated during testing, and how are the events handled? How to synchronize the bars from different instruments during testing in an "open prices only" mode? This article aims to provide answers to these and many other questions.
dsadsa322: This is the feb 9 2023 version of mt5.

That is a beta build of MetaTrader. Don't use beta builds if you don't want to be a beta tester.

Don't connect to MetaQuotes demo trader servers, as that will cause updates to be beta builds.

Use only reputable broker accounts, so as to only update to official builds.

The current official build is 3550 (16 December 2022).

Fernando Carreiro #:

That is a beta build of MetaTrader. Don't use beta builds if you don't want to be a beta tester.

Don't connect to MetaQuotes demo trader servers, as that will cause updates to be beta builds.

Use only reputable broker accounts, so as to only update to official builds.

The current official build is 3550 (16 December 2022).

Alright, ill make sure to do that.

Thanks for your help!