How can I read an indicator arrow without buffer?

I tried to find a solution, but I couldn't find anything about it anywhere.

My indicator doesn't give me any information on buffer, only shows me arrows. 

Is it possible to read the arrow to an EA without any buffer signal?

Flavio Benites:
I tried to find a solution, but I couldn't find anything about it anywhere.

My indicator doesn't give me any information on buffer, only shows me arrows. 

Is it possible to read the arrow to an EA without any buffer signal?

If it doesn't show up in iCustom then you might be able to access the values through objects on chart...but problematic if multiple symbols etc..
andrew 2022 #:
If it doesn't show up in iCustom then you might be able to access the values through objects on chart...but problematic if multiple symbols etc..

Unfortunately it isn´t showing on iCustom. 

I have found this lines below. I can find the object I am looking for(arrow), but it show it several times in the chart (and in the object list). Do you know a way I can read it only when it pops up? Because I don´t want my EA to think the arrow that happened 1 hour ago is a trigger. I just want an arrow that just popped up in the chart, I don´t know how to read a "brand new" object (Arrow)


int Shift = 15;

string Prefix="T-0 (buy)-0";

int length=StringLen(Prefix);



int total=ObjectsTotal(); 

   string obj_name="";string a1;

     for(int i=0;i<total;i++) 



        a1=StringSubstr(obj_name,0,length); // XYX

        Comment("Sorry desired object not found!!");

        if (a1 == Prefix)


        Comment("Success!! value of ",obj_name, " =  " ,ObjectGetValueByShift(obj_name,Shift));





Flavio Benites:
I tried to find a solution, but I couldn't find anything about it anywhere.

My indicator doesn't give me any information on buffer, only shows me arrows. 

Is it possible to read the arrow to an EA without any buffer signal?


This is how I search for a POC object from a volume profile indicator. I search for the object by its MediumSeaGreen color and once identified, I can access its properties with ObjectGet()

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   datetime poc_ini = 0;
   datetime poc_end = 0;        
   string poc = "";
   int counter = 0;
   string object_name = "what_are_your_looking_for";
   int pos = 0;
   int total_objects = ObjectsTotal(NULL);
   for(int i=0; i<total_objects; i++)
      if(StringFind(ObjectName(NULL, i),"-") != -1)

         object_name = ObjectName(NULL, i);
         pos = StringFind(object_name, "-");
         indice = int(StringSubstr(object_name, pos+1, -1));

         // Search for POC -> by color MediumSeaGreen.
         if((color)ObjectGetInteger(NULL, object_name, OBJPROP_COLOR)==clrMediumSeaGreen)
            poc = object_name;

            poc_ini = (datetime)ObjectGetInteger(NULL, poc, OBJPROP_TIME, 0);
            poc_end = (datetime)ObjectGetInteger(NULL, poc, OBJPROP_TIME, 1);
   poc = DoubleToString((ObjectGetDouble(NULL, poc, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0), Digits());
But this object you are looking for… doesn’t have a name? 
Flavio Benites #:

Unfortunately it isn´t showing on iCustom. 

You'd need to do some testing around the arrow name. All the arrows will have unique names, and different  time and price co-ordinates. But the key is when the arrow appears as it may not be drawn straight away.