Are there plans for expand/collapse of functions/structs/classes ?


Hello mq , do you plan to add the collapse and expansion of the functions / structs / classes in the editor in the future ?

As a project grows so is our "suffering" or the constant F2 and Shift+F2 . 😇



As far as I remember, since back in 2018 (probably before that), users have been requesting that code folding be implemented in MetaEditor. Yet, MetaQuotes has done nothing about it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

As far as I remember, since back in 2018 (probably before that), users have been requesting that code folding be implemented in MetaEditor. Yet, MetaQuotes has done nothing about it.

Code folding ,yeah, I have asked 2 or 3 times myself actually  😭

Or at least a quick nav bar for bookmarks 


Also , where are the bookmark points stored ? 

I've had them be removed from a code several times . 

Are they in the editor logs?

Lorentzos Roussos #:Also , where are the bookmark points stored ? I've had them be removed from a code several times . Are they in the editor logs?

They are kept on the source file itself as an NTFS data stream.

streams v1.60 - Reveal NTFS alternate streams.
Sysinternals -

       :CursorPos:$DATA 444
       :LineFlags:$DATA 448
Lorentzos Roussos: Hello mq , do you plan to add the collapse and expansion of the functions / structs / classes in the editor in the future ?

I only use the Editor for compiling/debugging. I use Notepad2 with code folding.

Others use Notepad++, Eclipse, scite-mql, Emacs, Visual Studio, or other IDEs.

William Roeder #:

I only use the Editor for compiling/debugging. I use Notepad2 with code folding.

Others use Notepad++, Eclipse, scite-mql, Emacs, Visual Studio, or other IDEs.

Can you import the suggestions on these ? 

Lorentzos Roussos #: Can you import the suggestions on these ? 

What I do is run MetaEditor and VSCode (with the MQL Syntax Highlighter), on the same file.

All changes saved on MetaEditor are immediately visible on VSCode without any of my intervention. Unfortunately the reverse does not happen.

So, I code on MetaEditor and reference other parts of the file on VSCode, which does have code folding.

Fernando Carreiro #:

What I do is run MetaEditor and VSCode (with the MQL Syntax Highlighter), on the same file.

All changes saved on MetaEditor are immediately visible on VSCode without any of my intervention. Unfortunately the reverse does not happen.

So, I code on MetaEditor and reference other parts of the file on VSCode, which does have code folding.

It would be very helpful 

Also would be nice if they enable autocompletion for namespaces. At least the last time i tried use namespaces it was not working.