Multiple if statement, else code is not executed - page 2


another test if it helps :

  bool IO1=false;
  bool IO2=false;

  string collect="";
    Print("IO1 true");
  Print("Collected ["+collect+"]");

See what happens when you remove the "Print("IO1 true");" line 

You need to link if statements or have a loop following a non bracketed if , you get one "next line" of code to link what goes in the if block .

So in the example above as is the 1st Print is taking up that line and then what follows belongs to the function scope not the if(IO1)

Similarly , if you remove the 1st print then the if(!IO2) belongs to the if(IO1) but the if(!IO2&&!IO1) belongs to the function scope, unless it was an else if (linking to the previous which was part of the if(IO1) block.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

another test if it helps :

See what happens when you remove the "Print("IO1 true");" line 

You need to link if statements or have a loop following a non bracketed if , you get one "next line" of code to link what goes in the if block .

So in the example above as is the 1st Print is taking up that line and then what follows belongs to the function scope not the if(IO1)

Similarly , if you remove the 1st print then the if(!IO2) belongs to the if(IO1) but the if(!IO2&&!IO1) belongs to the function scope, unless it was an else if (linking to the previous which was part of the if(IO1) block.

Yes you are right … if you remove that line, then second if will be executed only if first if is true … good to know … normally I use brackets as is styling better, but good to know.  Thanks 
ahmedelmidany #: The part having this comment 

               if(USE_INDICATOR-X_FOR_ENTRY)  //if a specific indicator "the flag USE_INDICATOR-X_FOR_ENTRY" is used to confirm entry in position

Do not post code that will not even compile. "A - B = false;" is nonsense.



I recommend using braces - especially with multiple-lined ifs’. I think here the “else” part is not properly read.

For example, here –this second else is connected to “signal type” condition or “indicator X for entry” condition? Add proper braces and it should work then.

if(gobuy == 1) //if a Buy signal was found
            openPrice = Open[0];
            indicatorX_down = iCustom(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,"indicator-x",2,0);
            Print("open price: ", openPrice, " - Indicator-X down: ", indicatorX_down);
            if(SIGNAL_TYPE == 0 || SIGNAL_TYPE == 2){ //means BUY signals are allowed by the variable SIGNAL_TYPE
               if(USE_INDICATOR-X_FOR_ENTRY) { //if a specific indicator "the flag USE_INDICATOR-X_FOR_ENTRY" is used to confirm entry in position
                  if(openPrice < indicatorX_down)
                     datetime time = iTime(NULL,0,1);
                     Print("Indicator-X Buy Entry condition met");
                     if(PushAlert)SendNotification(Symbol()+" BUY @  Hour "+string(Hour())+"  Minute "+string(Minute()));
                     if(EmailOn)SendMail("PC BUY SIGNAL - "+ChartSymbol(0)+" "+string(_Period),string(time)+" - Buy - "+ChartSymbol(0)+"\r\n");
                     orderCount +=1;
                     Print("In buy: ", IntegerToString(inBuy));
                     Print("Indicator-X Buy Entry condition not met");
                  Print("Indicator-x condition not used");  //////THIS PART OF CODE IS NOT EXECUTED ALTHOUGH FLAG USE_INDICATOR-X_FOR ENTRY IS FALSE///////
                  datetime time = iTime(NULL,0,1);
                  if(PushAlert)SendNotification(Symbol()+" BUY @  Hour "+string(Hour())+"  Minute "+string(Minute()));
                  if(EmailOn)SendMail("PC BUY SIGNAL - "+ChartSymbol(0)+" "+string(_Period),string(time)+" - Buy - "+ChartSymbol(0)+"\r\n");
                  orderCount +=1;
                  Print("In buy: ", IntegerToString(inBuy));

Daniel Cioca #:
Yes you are right … if you remove that line, then second if will be executed only if first if is true … good to know … normally I use brackets as is styling better, but good to know.  Thanks 
That’s clear now, thanks 
ahmedelmidany #:

Thanks Fernando, this is actually what i was doing but it was not working....i will check yours and see if all will be good.

Thanks again Fernando, it works now
I just added the closing braces to your code for the gobuy/gosell if statements 
Marzena Maria Szmit #:


I recommend using braces - especially with multiple-lined ifs’. I think here the “else” part is not properly read.

For example, here –this second else is connected to “signal type” condition or “indicator X for entry” condition? Add proper braces and it should work then.

Yeah it worked after adjusting the braces
Lorentzos Roussos #:

another test if it helps :

See what happens when you remove the "Print("IO1 true");" line 

You need to link if statements or have a loop following a non bracketed if , you get one "next line" of code to link what goes in the if block .

So in the example above as is the 1st Print is taking up that line and then what follows belongs to the function scope not the if(IO1)

Similarly , if you remove the 1st print then the if(!IO2) belongs to the if(IO1) but the if(!IO2&&!IO1) belongs to the function scope, unless it was an else if (linking to the previous which was part of the if(IO1) block.

It is clear now, thanks to your explanation
ahmedelmidany #: Thanks again Fernando, it works now
I just added the closing braces to your code for the gobuy/gosell if statements 
You are welcome!