Basic question about passing and handling global vars to a function


i've the following basic question.

if i define a array in global scope.

double myglobalarray[];

Is it possible to pass this array to a function, work, fill and change his values at the end at global scope, without knowing/working with the name of the global var inside the function? For Example

void myFunction(doube myGvar){
        //Change something

I call the function


After calling the function in global scope Print(" Now it should be 123:"+myglobalarray[0]);

Is it possible, how? Is there may something special at passing the var to the function ?


The fact that it is a globally scoped variable means that it does not need to be passed as a parameter. It can be accessed directly.

// Untested, uncompiled example code — simply typed out

double g_adbPrices[];

int GetPoints( int index ) {
   return (int) round( g_adbPrices[ index ] / _Point );

Do not post code that will not even compile.

  1.         myGvar[0]='123';

    «'123'» is not a string (e.g. «"123"»). It is not a single charter (short). The array type is a double. So neither will work.

  2. ReLor2: After calling the function in global scope \

    You can not call functions on global scope, call them in OnTick.

Is it possible to pass this array to a function, work, fill and change his values at the end at global scope, without knowing/working with the name of the global var inside the function?

Sure. Pass an array to a function by reference. Read the paragraph "References: Modifier & and Keyword this" from the documentation.

I use this very often.


double globalArr1[5];
double globalArr2[10];

void OnStart()
   ArrayInitialize(globalArr1, 1.23);
   ArrayInitialize(globalArr2, 2.34);

void printLastElement(double &arr[])
   int lastIndex = ArraySize(arr) - 1;
   PrintFormat("Last index %i, value %.2f", lastIndex, arr[lastIndex]);

Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Data Types / References: Modifier & and Keyword this
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Data Types / References: Modifier & and Keyword this
References: Modifier & and Keyword this - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Vladislav Boyko #:

Sure. Pass an array to a function by reference. Read the paragraph "References: Modifier & and Keyword this" from the documentation.

I use this very often.


But in my example, it would be correct to use the const access specifier to explicitly indicate that the array cannot be modified by the function.

void printLastElement(const double &arr[])
   int lastIndex = ArraySize(arr) - 1;
   PrintFormat("Last index %i, value %.2f", lastIndex, arr[lastIndex]);

Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables
Variables - Language Basics - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Thanks a lot!