"stackable" methods


This is a noob question.

I wont run into any walls if i deploy methods this way will i ?

(per the convenience of being able to call these methods without using the returned pointer , like they were void type)

class thing_with_stackable_methods{
string                        name;
int                           volume;
thing_with_stackable_methods* reset(){
thing_with_stackable_methods* set_name(string _new_name){
thing_with_stackable_methods* set_volume(int new_volume){
                       string get_name(){return(name);}
                          int get_volume(){return(volume);}                              
int OnInit()
  thing_with_stackable_methods a_thing;
  a_thing.set_name("EURUSD").set_volume(55);//not using the pointer returned


a_thing.set_name("EURUSD").set_volume(55);//not using the pointer returned
You are using the returned pointer. Same as a_thing.set_volume(…);

i wonder what the "stack" limit is  😄

#define F set_volume(1)

int OnInit()
  thing_with_stackable_methods a_thing;
  Print(a_thing.get_name()+" "+IntegerToString(a_thing.get_volume()));
This is wrong. You did not allocate a_thing with new, you do not de-allocate it with delete.

I've been doing this in structures containing class arrays and classes containing class arrays in their constructor / destructor too . It could be redundant as well 

class item{
int value;

class item_holder{
item my_items[];
void reset(){
for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(my_items);i++){
Lorentzos Roussos #: I've been doing this in structures containing class arrays and classes containing class arrays in their constructor / destructor too . It could be redundant as well 
item my_items[];

Again, this is wrong. my_items[] contains item's, not pointers to them. You did not allocate them with new, you do not delete them.


hmm there seems to be a speed gain too without my mistake as the array grows in size , nice . I must re-study some things evidently

class an_item{
double value;
  void set(double _v){value=_v;}

class items_with_delete{
an_item items[];
   void reset(){
        for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(items);i++){delete(GetPointer(items[i]));}
   void add_from_array(double &array[],int times_to_repeat){
        for(int i=0;i<times_to_repeat;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<ArraySize(array);j++){items[j].set(array[j]);}

class items_no_delete{
an_item items[];
   void reset(){
   void add_from_array(double &array[],int times_to_repeat){
        for(int i=0;i<times_to_repeat;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<ArraySize(array);j++){items[j].set(array[j]);}

int OnInit()

void OnTimer(){
  int array_items=100000,rounds=1000;
  double array[];
  for(int i=0;i<array_items;i++){array[i]=i;}
  //with delete
  uint starttime=GetTickCount();
  items_with_delete iwd;
  uint endtime=GetTickCount();
  long duration=endtime-starttime;
  Print("Duration with delete "+IntegerToString(duration)+"ms");
  //without delete
  items_no_delete ind;
  Print("Duration without delete "+IntegerToString(duration)+"ms");  