Problem with EMPTY_VALUE


i have a little problem with the EMPTY_VALUE about this code.

bool my_function( int value1=EMPTY_VALUE)
        Print("EMPTY_VALUE is:"+EMPTY_VALUE);
        if(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE){ Print("ok ->"+value1); }
        return true;

//Call the function
my_function(   EMPTY_VALUE);

The result is
EMPTY_VALUE is:1.7976931348623157e+308

Why it is so, normaly i thought the "ok" part is unreachable, because value1 has EMPTY_Value, but the both values are different - im a little bit confused!?

i have a little problem with the EMPTY_VALUE about this code.

The result is
EMPTY_VALUE is:1.7976931348623157e+308

Why it is so, normaly i thought the "ok" part is unreachable, because value1 has EMPTY_Value, but the both values are different - im a little bit confused!?

Works correctly for me (MT4)

void OnStart()

bool my_function(int value1=EMPTY_VALUE)
        Print("EMPTY_VALUE is:"+EMPTY_VALUE);
        if(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE){ Print("ok ->"+value1); }
        return true;
ReLor2: i have a little problem with the EMPTY_VALUE about this code.

For MQL5:

The constant EMPTY_VALUE is for use with the double data-type. It should not be use for integer data-types.


Empty value in an indicator buffer



Maximal value, which can be represented by double type


Vladislav Boyko #: Works correctly for me (MT4)

For MQL4:

The constant EMPTY_VALUE is different in MQL4 than it is in MQL5 and its value is for integer but can also be used with double.


Empty value in an indicator buffer. Default custom indicator empty value

2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF

Thank you, so i use MQL5.

I change the EMPTY_VALUE to NULL, but now i have the problem that i also dont get the wanted result.

bool my_function( double value1=NULL)
        Print("NULL is:"+NULL);
        if(value1!=NULL){ Print("ok ->"+value1); }
        return true;

//Call the function
my_function(   0);
Now i want to use NULL for a kind of "nothing", i will pass in one case "nothing" so i will use "null", sometime i pass zero "0" now my if statement failed and dont print the "ok -> " part.

Did i have to check the difference between NULL and zero / 0 in another way?
ReLor2 #: Thank you, so i use MQL5. I change the EMPTY_VALUE to NULL, but now i have the problem that i also dont get the wanted result. Now i want to use NULL for a kind of "nothing", i will pass in one case "nothing" so i will use "null", sometime i pass zero "0" now my if statement failed and dont print the "ok -> " part. Did i have to check the difference between NULL and zero / 0 in another way?

Doubles are rarely equal.

// Function for double
   bool my_function_double( double value1 = EMPTY_VALUE ) {
      Print( "Empty value: ", EMPTY_VALUE );
      if( value1 < EMPTY_VALUE )
         Print( "ok -> ", value1 );
      return true;

// Call the function for double 
   my_function_double( EMPTY_VALUE );