sell own expert allowed?

is everybody allowed to sell his/her expert online without paying any "license-money" to metaquotes?
We should know programming to be able to use of the Advisor. I'd like to combine at least 3 indicators in a program because the Sample MACD by itself backtesting, always yield -27 results.
How many doesnt know or not able to write programs among the traders and are willing to start learning? Young adults probably. If they can write programs, they can use MT3, MT4.

I asked for info@metaquotes using 5X, nothing. I guess you are good to go. I'm dusting off my flowcharting books. So whats the plan?
The real question is how do you protect your code? I have a number of proprietary indicators that I can not give away or sell to individuals using MT4 because you need the MQ4 source code to make the EX4 compiled program run. Perhaps I am incorrect regarding this issue and if I am can someone please explain how to distribute EX4 code without distributing the source? As an aside it would be nice if MQ allowed encryption of EX4 files to help slow the back engineering process.

I admit though that if MQ did all of the above I am not interested in selling my IP; Too many years invested in writing the formulae to risk back engineering.
hmm the main question is: is one allowed to sell his experts?
sure it is always possible to back engineer the compiled code back to its sourcecode - but i have some ideas on how to protect the experts/indicators.
by now, there is no decompiler for mql4, so there is no risk.
you dont need the sourcecode to run the ex4 ;)
i will try my ideas on some experts, to make them more secure from beeing decompiled. feel free to write me an e-mail, so i can keep you up to date, concerning that program (if it even works) - my email is
executable codes are protected with additional encoding
Shrak, I have a friend here in the US who has MT4 on his machine, but he installed on a partition other than the partition his OS (Win XP, SP2) is on. I wrote a few indicators for him, sent him only the EX4 files and they would not work. I sent him a test EX4 program with the same results. I then sent him the source and everything started working. Later he reinstalled on the partition with his OS with the same symptoms. He is running MT4 release 164. This is why I started believe MT4 needed the MQ4 source.

Any ideas why his machine is doing this?
compiler changed from build to build and in this case all the obsolete executables are removed and recompiled. if source is not present then new executable not processed. and not working.
hmm so when will the final version be released?
additional encoding? cool=)

slawa, when you change the compiler all the time, why dont you implement an internal decompiler in mt4, so if somebody has an expert (compiled with a prior version), mt4 could decompile it and recompile it without anybody notice it... so nobody would need the sourcecode to run an older expert.
compiler may be changed because beta-testing and we fix bugs. most bugs are fixed. in further compiler version will not be changed. in extraordinary case only. don't worry