MQL5 Widget for MT5

Regarding MT5 widget it is possible to setup it for people only to see the results of trading and not to trade? I have a group of people who would like to see the results but they know nothing about trading. If they have access it and can trade, they can broke it... How can be this script made so that people only see the result of my tradings? Or who can help me to adapt the script? Or create a new one for ICMarkets & MT5? Thank you! Teodor
Teodor Muntean: Regarding MT5 widget it is possible to setup it for people only to see the results of trading and not to trade? I have a group of people who would like to see the results but they know nothing about trading. If they have access it and can trade, they can broke it... How can be this script made so that people only see the result of my tradings? Or who can help me to adapt the script? Or create a new one for ICMarkets & MT5? Thank you! Teodor

Give them the "Investor" password and not the "Master" password. That way they can "see" but not "touch" (can't trade).

Just remember to change your "Investor" password every time afterwards.

Hi, thank you very much for your answer. I appreciate it very much. But, as I am not an programmer just a trader, I need to know how can I setup these 2 passwords, where are they? On Metatrader, on broker's platform? Sorry for bothering you with this question! And thank you for your patience! Teodor
Teodor Muntean #: Hi, thank you very much for your answer. I appreciate it very much. But, as I am not an programmer just a trader, I need to know how can I setup these 2 passwords, where are they? On Metatrader, on broker's platform? Sorry for bothering you with this question! And thank you for your patience! Teodor

The password have nothing to do with programming. They can be set in the normal account management done on the broker's website in your account dashboard, or ...

via MetaTrader's Settings/Options/Server setup (if the broker allows it) ... Platform Settings - Getting Started - MetaTrader 5 Help

Platform Settings - Getting Started - MetaTrader 5 Help
The trading platform provides multiple settings to help you conveniently customize it. Click " Options" in the Tools menu or press...