Keltner_Channel_Counter Expert Advisor

//|                                      Keltner_Channel_Counter.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"//+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//|                              Keltner_Channels Expert Advisor.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

//Importing function libraries

//EA general input parameters
input int MA_Period1 = 15; //First Keltner Channel Period
input int MA_Period2 = 90; //Second Keltner Channel Peiod

//General input Parameters
input string Comments = "KCC"; //EA Order Comment
input int StopLoss = 10; //StopLoss in pips
input int TakeProfit = 145; //TakeProfit in Pips
input int EA_Magic = 4356; //EA_Magic number
input double Lotsize = 0.05; //Lotsize
input int Slippage = 50; //Slippage

//Breakeven input variables
input bool UseBreakEven = true; //Use Break Even
input int WhenToBreak = 10; //When to break even in pips?
input int BreakBy = 15; //Break Even by how many pips?

//Trailing Stop input variables
input bool UseTrailing = true; //Use Trailing Stop
input int WhenToTrail = 25; // When to start Trailing in pips?
input int TrailBy = 55; //Trailing Stop in Pips

//Money Management input variables
input bool Used_Money_Management = true;
input double ENUM_FUNDS_TYPE; //Funds to Use for Lot Calculation
input double ENUM_MM; //Type of Money Management
input double ATR_Multiplier = 1 ; //ATR Multiplier
input double Fixed_Balance = 1000; //Fixed Balance in account currency
input double Fixed_RiskMoney = 20; //Fixed Risk Money
input double Percentage_risk = 5; //Percentage of Funds to Risk

//EA intermediate calculations variables
double STP, TKP;
ulong LastBars = 0;
double Ask, Bid;

//Indicator handles
int KCHandle1;
int KCHandle2;

//Indicator Buffers
double KC_Upper1[];
double KC_Lower1[];
double KC_Middle1[];
double KC_Upper2[];
double KC_Lower2[];
double KC_Middle2[];
double ClosePrice[];
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit() {
   //....Initializing the Trade Class Object
   int Ctrade;
   int deviation_points;
  int EA_Magic_Number;
//.....Initializing the Indicator Handles
   KCHandle1 = iCustom(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,"Keltner_Channel", MA_Period1);
   KCHandle2 = iCustom(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Keltner_Channel", MA_Period2);
//Convert the Pips value into Point value
   STP = StopLoss*_Point*10;
   TKP = TakeProfit*_Point* 10;
//...Resizing the Close Price array
   ArrayResize(ClosePrice, 3);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
   void OnDeinit(const int reason)
      double delete_Trade;
//| Expert tick function                                             |
   void OnTick(){                        
      //---Check if we are able to trade
      if(!TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED) || !TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_CONNECTED))
     Alert("Terminal not connected or Trading not allowed!");
//...Check if we have a new bar
   ulong bars = Bars(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT);
                if(LastBars != bars)
      LastBars = bars;
     //...Obtaining Ask price and Bid Price   Ask = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
         Bid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
    //...Obtaining the Closing Price of the Previous Candlestick
         MqlRates rates[];
//Reversing the ordering of information in our Arrays
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Upper1, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Upper2, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Lower1, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Lower2, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Middle1, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Middle2, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);
         ArraySetAsSeries(ClosePrice, true);
//...Checking and Copying Prices into the Rates Object
         if(CopyRates(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, 3, rates) != 3)
           Print("Error Copying Price Data", GetLastError());
      //Copying price data from the Rates Object to the Close Price Array
      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      ClosePrice[i]= rates[i].close;
      //Checking and Copying  Indicator Values
      if(CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 2, 0, 3, KC_Lower1) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 0, 0, 3, KC_Upper1) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 1, 0, 3, KC_Middle1) != 3)
             Print("Error Copying Indicator Data"==GetLastError());
        if( CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 2, 0, 3, KC_Lower2) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 0, 0, 3, KC_Upper2) != 3|| CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 1, 0, 3, KC_Middle2) != 3){
              Print("Error Copying Indicator Data", GetLastError());
    //Declaring switches for market entry signals
      bool BuyCondition = false;
      bool SellCondition = false;
      bool BullTrend = false;
      bool BearTrend = false;
      bool TradeOpen = false;
      //Checking if we have an open position in the market
      TradeOpen = true;
      BreakEven(EA_Magic, _Symbol, WhenToBreak, BreakBy);
      TrailingStopLoss(EA_Magic, _Symbol, WhenToTrail, TrailBy);
            (uint  total =0)
         uint position_ID=0;
         if(PositionSelect Symbol())
      //Setting Conditions Trends
      if((KC_Upper1[1] > KC_Lower2[1]) && (KC_Lower1[1] < KC_Upper2[1]))
      BullTrend = true;
        if((KC_Lower1[1] < KC_Lower2[1]) && (KC_Upper1[1] > KC_Lower2[1]))
      BearTrend = true;
  //Sell entry condition
if((ClosePrice1[1] < KC_Lower1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] > KC_Lower1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] > KC_Lower1[2]))
   SellCondition = true;
//Buy entry Conditions
if((ClosePrice[1] > KC_Upper1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] < KC_Upper1[1])KC_Lower1[1])&& (ClosePrice[2] < KC_Upper1[2]));
   BuyCondition = true;
//Obtaining the value of our lotsize
double UsedLots;
UsedLots = MoneyManagement(Funds_ToUse, MM_Type, STP, ATR_Multiplier, Fixed_Balance, Fixed_RiskMoney, Percentage_risk);
        UsedLots = Lotsize;
   //Executing a Buy Trade
//Executing a Sell Trade
   uint DealsOpen()
      uint total = 0;
      if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC)= = EA_Magic){
            total = HistoryDealsTotal();
  Hi Guys ? Happy holiday? I am a student in MQL5 Algorithmic Trading. Please what is wrong with the above code? How should I fix the 2 errors  and 1 warning? It outputs 2 errors and 1 warning. There are 30 '{'   and 30 '}' so the parentheses are balanced.
               Line 73: '{'- Unbalanced parentheses
               Line 269: '}'- Unexpected end of program
               Line 15: Version is incompatible with MQL5 market, must be xxx.yyy


//|                                      Keltner_Channel_Counter.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"


//EA general input parameters
input int MA_Period1 = 15; //First Keltner Channel Period
input int MA_Period2 = 90; //Second Keltner Channel Peiod

//General input Parameters
input string Comments = "KCC"; //EA Order Comment
input int StopLoss = 10; //StopLoss in pips
input int TakeProfit = 145; //TakeProfit in Pips
input int EA_Magic = 4356; //EA_Magic number
input double Lotsize = 0.05; //Lotsize
input int Slippage = 50; //Slippage

//Breakeven input variables
input bool UseBreakEven = true; //Use Break Even
input int WhenToBreak = 10; //When to break even in pips?
input int BreakBy = 15; //Break Even by how many pips?

//Trailing Stop input variables
input bool UseTrailing = true; //Use Trailing Stop
input int WhenToTrail = 25; // When to start Trailing in pips?
input int TrailBy = 55; //Trailing Stop in Pips

//Money Management input variables
input bool Used_Money_Management = true;
input double Funds_To_Use; //Funds to Use for Lot Calculation
input double MM_Type; //Type of Money Management
input double ATR_Multiplier = 1 ; //ATR Multiplier
input double Fixed_Balance = 1000; //Fixed Balance in account currency
input double Fixed_RiskMoney = 20; //Fixed Risk Money
input double Percentage_risk = 5; //Percentage of Funds to Risk

//EA intermediate calculations variables
double STP, TKP;
ulong LastBars = 0;
double Ask, Bid;

//Indicator handles
int KCHandle1;
int KCHandle2;

//Indicator Buffers
double KC_Upper1[];
double KC_Lower1[];
double KC_Middle1[];
double KC_Upper2[];
double KC_Lower2[];
double KC_Middle2[];
double ClosePrice[];
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//....Initializing the Trade Class Object

//.....Initializing the Indicator Handles
   KCHandle1 = iCustom(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,"Keltner_Channel", MA_Period1);
   KCHandle2 = iCustom(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, "Keltner_Channel", MA_Period2);

//Convert the Pips value into Point value
   STP = StopLoss*_Point*10;
   TKP = TakeProfit*_Point* 10;

//...Resizing the Close Price array
   ArrayResize(ClosePrice, 3);

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

//---Check if we are able to trade
   if(!TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED) || !TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_CONNECTED))
      Alert("Terminal not connected or Trading not allowed!");

//...Check if we have a new bar
   ulong bars = Bars(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT);
   if(LastBars != bars)
      LastBars = bars;

//...Obtaining Ask price and Bid Price   Ask = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
   Bid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
//...Obtaining the Closing Price of the Previous Candlestick
   MqlRates rates[];

//Reversing the ordering of information in our Arrays
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Upper1, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Upper2, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Lower1, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Lower2, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Middle1, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(KC_Middle2, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(ClosePrice, true);

//...Checking and Copying Prices into the Rates Object
   if(CopyRates(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, 3, rates) != 3)
      Print("Error Copying Price Data", GetLastError());

//Copying price data from the Rates Object to the Close Price Array
   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      ClosePrice[i]= rates[i].close;
//Checking and Copying  Indicator Values
   if(CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 2, 0, 3, KC_Lower1) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 0, 0, 3, KC_Upper1) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle1, 1, 0, 3, KC_Middle1) != 3)
      Print("Error Copying Indicator Data"==(string) GetLastError());
//|                                                                  |
   if(CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 2, 0, 3, KC_Lower2) != 3 || CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 0, 0, 3, KC_Upper2) != 3|| CopyBuffer(KCHandle2, 1, 0, 3, KC_Middle2) != 3)
         Print("Error Copying Indicator Data", GetLastError());
//Declaring switches for market entry signals
   bool BuyCondition = false;
   bool SellCondition = false;
   bool BullTrend = false;
   bool BearTrend = false;
   bool TradeOpen = false;

//Checking if we have an open position in the market
      TradeOpen = true;
      BreakEven(EA_Magic, _Symbol, WhenToBreak, BreakBy);
      TrailingStopLoss(EA_Magic, _Symbol, WhenToTrail, TrailBy);
  uint  total =0;

   uint position_ID=0;
      if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC)== EA_Magic)
               total = HistoryDealsTotal();
//Setting Conditions Trends
   if((KC_Upper1[1] > KC_Lower2[1]) && (KC_Lower1[1] < KC_Upper2[1]))
      BullTrend = true;

   if((KC_Lower1[1] < KC_Lower2[1]) && (KC_Upper1[1] > KC_Lower2[1]))
      BearTrend = true;

//Sell entry condition
   if((ClosePrice[1] < KC_Lower1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] > KC_Lower1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] > KC_Lower1[2]))
      SellCondition = true;

//Buy entry Conditions
   if((ClosePrice[1] > KC_Upper1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] < KC_Upper1[1]) && (ClosePrice[2] < KC_Lower1[2]))
      BuyCondition = true;

//Obtaining the value of our lotsize
   double UsedLots;
      UsedLots = MoneyManagement(Funds_To_Use, MM_Type, STP, ATR_Multiplier, Fixed_Balance, Fixed_RiskMoney, Percentage_risk);
      UsedLots = Lotsize;

//Executing a Buy Trade

//Executing a Sell Trade


      if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC)== EA_Magic)
               total = HistoryDealsTotal();

uint DealsOpen()
   uint total = 0;

double BreakEven(int EAMagic, string symbol, bool When_To_Break, bool Break_By) {return(0);}

//|                                                                  |
double TrailingStopLoss(int EAMagic, string symbol,bool WhenTo_Trail, bool Trail_By) {return(0);}

//|                                                                  |
double MoneyManagement(double FundsToUse, double MMType, double stp, double ATRMultiplier, bool FixedBalance, double FixedRiskMoney, double Percentagerisk) {return(0);}

double fBuy(double Lot_size){return(0);}

double fSell(double Lot_size){return(0);}

You need to complete the five empty functions at the end of the code.