File Read/Write problems

Hi All,

I'm having trouble using File Read/Write functions in MT4.

In order to test these functions, i wrote the following code which tries to read an array from file A.csv and then write back the values into file B.csv.

#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link ""
double profit[10];

//| |
int init()

//| |
int start()
int handle;
handle = FileOpen("A.csv", FILE_CSV|FILE_READ,",");
Print("A.csv not found");

if(handle > 0)
FileReadArray(handle, profit, 0, 10);

int handle2;
handle2 = FileOpen("B.csv",FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,",");
FileWriteArray(handle2, profit, 0, 10);


No luck so far ...

Any help would be highly appreciated.


ps: A.csv is created manually in the expert/files folder and contains 10 values
FileReadArray function can be applied to bin files only not for csv