How to see all new freelance client messages in one place?



in order to check if I have new messages from clients, I need to click over ALL projects in the list. Not enough: I have to click on the project, then on the tab "Comments" in order to see if there is any new message. The is no more inconvinient way to do this. :/

is there a way to see new client messages in some kind of an inbox?

Thank you very much!

Projekte helfen beim Entwickeln profitabler Handelsroboter! Zumindest scheint es so
Projekte helfen beim Entwickeln profitabler Handelsroboter! Zumindest scheint es so
Ein großes Programm beginnt mit einer kleinen Datei, die dann immer größer wird, je mehr Funktionen und Objekte Sie hinzufügen. Die meisten Roboterentwickler verwenden Include-Dateien, um dieses Problem zu lösen. Es gibt jedoch eine bessere Lösung: Beginnen Sie mit der Entwicklung einer beliebigen Handelsanwendung in einem Projekt. Es gibt so viele Gründe, dies zu tun.
Eugen Funk:


in order to check if I have new messages from clients, I need to click over ALL projects in the list. Not enough: I have to click on the project, then on the tab "Comments" in order to see if there is any new message. The is no more inconvinient way to do this. :/

is there a way to see new client messages in some kind of an inbox?

Thank you very much!

Don't you get a notification of new messages towards the right of the top bar?


No, unfortunately not.

I just see private messages and some updates on the Market-EAs.

Eugen Funk #: No, unfortunately not. I just see private messages and some updates on the Market-EAs.

Are you using a mobile device or a desktop with a small screen?

If so, then you usually get a little notification icon (a bell), and when you click/touch on it, it expands and shows several icons, and the one that looks like a suite-case (I think) will take you to the pending comments on jobs.