MQL5: Additional account verification


Dear MQL5 Support Team / Admin / MQL5 Community.

I am registered as MQL5 user since Aug 10th, 2021. I have been granted with the Seller status on Dec 15, 2021. I am a verified user since. On Nov 9th, 2022, I received notification from MQL5 that they need to perform additional verification of my account. The ability to withdraw funds is limited.

I had searched through the forum and found out there some who takes less than 24 hours, while others take months if not years. I had also contacted the Service Desk. Finger crossed.

To be honest, I sell products in MQL5 to produce extra income so that I could support the cost of therapy and pediatric for my Autistic daughter.

Putting the personal issue aside, I really hope this issue can be solved soon. Selling products on MQL5 is a win-win situation for both the Seller and Metaquotes Ltd. I hope this will continue in a positive way.

1. If you had experience like this, may I know how long did it take you?
2. Do you know what actually cause this? Because I do not want this to happen in the future again..

I hope this post is useful for future Seller's who experience the same situation. I will keep on updating if it is solved or not.

Thank you in advance.




Have you read what MQ wrote?

11.09.  We will do our best within three working days.

And some times it takes a bit longer - so be  patient :)


Update. Mine is fixed. Just sharing for future Sellers, my problem was my product description. After fixing them, I can withdraw again. Thank you.
