are mql5 selling my secure space to spam?

in my site, after I put my name and password appeared a big blank space bigger than my space, full of propaganda of intruders and worsts tried to put them out and reach a long list of options like 30 options and none of them to wipe them out,,I have to say that this is not very secure they appeared in my personal space after login with my password intruders that I did not invite people that somehow are following me or in. general have access to my security password to be in my space I DO NOT like this please do something,I do not feel secure. thank


I doubt that ill-spam protection from MQL5, do explain it to the Service Desk before any assumptions!

Ernesto Aguerrevere:
in my site, after I put my name and password appeared a big blank space bigger than my space, full of propaganda of intruders and worsts tried to put them out and reach a long list of options like 30 options and none of them to wipe them out,,I have to say that this is not very secure they appeared in my personal space after login with my password intruders that I did not invite people that somehow are following me or in. general have access to my security password to be in my space I DO NOT like this please do something,I do not feel secure. thank

Is this your website or the "" website?

If it is YOUR website, then that is YOUR concern, not MetaQuotes.

If it is "", make sure that it is not your computer or browser that is not infected or infested with malware and pushing adverts and pop-ups into your browser.

If you are talking about private messages, or channels, or groups, then change your profile security settings to only allow messages from "Friends" or from no one at all (complete block). Then for any channels or groups for which you are already subscribed, simply unsubscribe from them.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Is this your website or the "" website?

If it is YOUR website, then that is YOUR concern, not MetaQuotes.

If it is "", make sure that it is not your computer or browser that is not infected or infested with malware and pushing adverts and pop-ups into your browser.

If you are talking about private messages, or channels, or groups, then change your profile security settings to only allow messages from "Friends" or from no one at all (complete block). Then for any channels or groups for which you are already subscribed, simply unsubscribe from them.

are people trying to sell mke mql5 stuff in my mql5 interface in the middle,i will do mas you say and will come mback here..thanks

LVyqKaM8 Aguerrevere #:

are people trying to sell mke mql5 stuff in my mql5 interface in the middle,i will do mas you say and will come mback here..thanks

I do not know what that means!