EA not closing orders

void OnTick()
   Print("OnTick() called");
//shows acoount leverage in chart windows on the left
   Comment("Account #",AccountNumber(),
   " leverage is ",AccountLeverage(),
      "lot 1 size is",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE),
      "lot 0.1 size is",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)/1,
      "lot 0.01 size is",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)/100,
      "Magin required for 0.01 buy order",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)/100);

//Parabolic iSAR decision skeleton
//opnes the first order in the trading session

//|                                                                  |

      if() //timeframe,step,maximum will be extern w
         //open sell
         onlyonce=1; orderswitch=1; RefreshRates(); Print(onlyonce,orderswitch);
      else if()
         //open buy
         onlyonce++; orderswitch=2; RefreshRates();Print("onlyonce",onlyonce,",orderswitch",orderswitch);
//Used for the rest of the trading
   if(onlyonce==1 )//opens sell if previous is buy
      //select buy
      if(OrderSelect(OrdersTotal(),SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==true)//selects last order by time meaning the most recently opened
         Print("order selected:",OrderTicket());
         //close buy
         if((OrderClose(OrderTicket(),0.01,Ask,3,Blue))==true)   //select by pos is 0-the first order to have opened,1- the seocnd order,2-the 3rd order
           {                                                     //so to solvethe problem you need { orderstotal()-1    } while cheking if { !=-1 }
            Print("Order closed");

            Print("OrderClose failed:",GetLastError(),ErrorDesc(GetLastError()));
      Print("OrderSelect failed:",GetLastError(),ErrorDesc(GetLastError()));
      //open sell
      orderswitch=1; RefreshRates(); Print(onlyonce,orderswitch);
   else if()//opens buy if previous is sell
      //select sell
         Print("order selected:",OrderTicket());
         //close sell
         if(OrderClose(OrderTicket(),0.01,Bid,3,Red)==true) //maybe i need to put the orderticket into a vari
                                                            // able int order_id==orderticket(); and the 
                                                            //order id must be saved in the opensell and buy func
            Print("Order closed");

            Print("OrderClose failed:",GetLastError(),ErrorDesc(GetLastError()));
      Print("OrderSelect failed:",GetLastError(),ErrorDesc(GetLastError()));
      //open buy
      orderswitch=2; RefreshRates(); Print(onlyonce,orderswitch);

   Print("OnTick() Ended");

I made this EA to buy order when isar is below Ask and sell when isar is over the Bid,it compiles without problem,but it doesnt closes any position,since i want only one order this is a problem.

Also when i debug and put a breakpoint inside the OniTick it simply jumps over that breakpoint and the arrow that shows where it stopped dissapears.

Also when i am testing this ea in the journal nothing is printed,only the first and last print commands.

Also i have tried any known to me method to selectt the open order and close it be it variables in the function,be it orderstotal()-1 nothing worked .

Also i think my metaeditor is broken,but lets fix the above.

Any help is welcome.

I made an edit and cut out the most important part,


I made this EA to buy order when isar is below Ask and sell when isar is over the Bid,it compiles without problem,but it doesnt closes any position,since i want only one order this is a problem.

Also when i debug and put a breakpoint inside the OniTick it simply jumps over that breakpoint and the arrow that shows where it stopped dissapears.

Also when i am testing this ea in the journal nothing is printed,only the first and last print commands.

Also i have tried any known to me method to selectt the open order and close it be it variables in the function,be it orderstotal()-1 nothing worked .

Also i think my metaeditor is broken,but lets fix the above.

Any help is welcome.

I made an edit and cut out the most important part,

Your MetaEditor is not broken. There are just some issues with the code. I will mention some of them:

I have not tested, but I think this would only work in strategy tester. 
The first parameter of OrderSelect() here should be a ticket number as displayed on your terminal. 
If there are no orders in the market, this EA would try to select an order with a ticket number of 0!

You should check the type of the order before closing it, 
or at least use OrderClosePrice() since in your code, the order is already selected before closing. 