Affiliate programme suggestion


Hello MQL , 

I have 2 suggestions for the eco-systems on MQL right now . 

1. Affiliate programme

I have a little suggestion to MQL eco-systems,  as most of old users know that , there are still many people sharing license , why dont just setup an affiliate systems for those KOL or whom want to start their marketing business here ? So the author can control how high the ratio their affiliate can get as marketing reward  . Is it a good idea ?  For example , a product sell 100USD and 20% takes 20% , and seller can set one more thing rebate to their affiliate . Let’s se 20% too , then author might need to focus on quality products only . 

2.Paid group for Blogger and VIP chat group 

Now more and more people are using Patreon to serve their subscribers and link into Discord , why dont just put this function directly on MQL ? 

My suggestions helps all sells and quality and the brand of MQL . Please think about it .

Best Regard