After loading ea, how to programmatically display indicators?

When testing ea, you need to manually import indicators every time. Can the EA call the indicator at runtime to display it on the chart? What function should be used?
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jack: When testing ea, you need to manually import indicators every time. Can the EA call the indicator at runtime to display it on the chart? What function should be used?
Documentation on MQL5: Chart Operations / ChartIndicatorAdd
When testing ea, you need to manually import indicators every time. Can the EA call the indicator at runtime to display it on the chart? What function should be used?

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MQL4 Add indicator to chart from EA - I am trying to solve a chart problem with Mql4 ChartIndicatorAdd; There is no command which would add an indicator to
MQL4 Add indicator to chart from EA - I am trying to solve a chart problem with Mql4 ChartIndicatorAdd; There is no command which would add an indicator to
  • 2016.02.13
In mql4 there is no command which would add an indicator to a chart like in mql5 chartindicatoradd(). :) :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) chartindicatoradd() oh sorry. Doesn't work, ea gets handle but no indicator