Data entry button

Hello everyone!
               I need help, I have made a panel of buttons from which a button must be used to enter data, that is, a button where you can put a value and that when you press it or when you press another button it takes the data from it, I have made this function in "fxdreema" but the MQL4 code is incomprehensible. Can you help me to do it in MQL4? I just need to know what the function is to enter data and read it, the keypad and the rest I can do without problems.
Manuel de los Heros Soler: I need help, I have made a panel of buttons from which a button must be used to enter data, that is, a button where you can put a value and that when you press it or when you press another button it takes the data from it, I have made this function in "fxdreema" but the MQL4 code is incomprehensible. Can you help me to do it in MQL4? I just need to know what the function is to enter data and read it, the keypad and the rest I can do without problems.

It's not that simple. It is not just one function. It is an entire process. Unless you know how to code in MQL, you will not be able to understand or implement that.

Please, take the time to learn to code without a code generator or hire someone to code it for you.

Manuel de los Heros Soler:
Hello everyone!
               I need help, I have made a panel of buttons from which a button must be used to enter data, that is, a button where you can put a value and that when you press it or when you press another button it takes the data from it, I have made this function in "fxdreema" but the MQL4 code is incomprehensible. Can you help me to do it in MQL4? I just need to know what the function is to enter data and read it, the keypad and the rest I can do without problems.

This sounds to me like this is a FileWrite() function you're asking for, which took be about an hour to learn how to do and if fairly straightforward. However, I do echo Fernando in that this is an assignment, not a simple debug issue. You can hire a freelancer on here, I've used them before, they're really good. 

Also, never use code generators, they're untrustworthy, and when it comes to your money on the line, a code generator is the last thing you want to be using.    

In addition, JimDandy, OrchardFX & MQL4Tutorial on YT are "The Guys" when it comes to MQL4 (not sponsored by any of these).

Thank you very much, although the help has been null, I see that you have not understood the query, I know how to program in MQL4 but unfortunately I have not been able to find the information on what functions or functions allow me to perform that function; when I have commented that I do it in fxdreema, it is that before starting with MQL4 I did it with fxdreema and because if any of you two have seen it inside, the code in MQL4 is practically impossible to understand no matter how professional you are, although I see that your comments show me that you don't know fxdreema in the slightest, Fernando. I would ask you that in the future your help is better not to answer, if you do not know what the subject is about, being seen in the forum is the most insulting and poor thing that anyone can do and you Fernando that I have not seen even a help to nobody of code that you have made, but criticism and more is the typical topic of yours.
TheHonestPrussian, thank you very much for giving me a possible idea, I'll see what information there is with FileWrite() and I totally agree with fxdreema, that's why I switched to MQL4 a year ago, which is the most logical and safest.
Manuel de los Heros Soler #: Thank you very much, although the help has been null, I see that you have not understood the query, I know how to program in MQL4 but unfortunately I have not been able to find the information on what functions or functions allow me to perform that function; when I have commented that I do it in fxdreema, it is that before starting with MQL4 I did it with fxdreema and because if any of you two have seen it inside, the code in MQL4 is practically impossible to understand no matter how professional you are, although I see that your comments show me that you don't know fxdreema in the slightest, Fernando. I would ask you that in the future your help is better not to answer, if you do not know what the subject is about, being seen in the forum is the most insulting and poor thing that anyone can do and you Fernando that I have not seen even a help to nobody of code that you have made, but criticism and more is the typical topic of yours. TheHonestPrussian, thank you very much for giving me a possible idea, I'll see what information there is with FileWrite() and I totally agree with fxdreema, that's why I switched to MQL4 a year ago, which is the most logical and safest.

Then don't use FXDeema! You say you know how to code in MQL, so code it yourself and don't use a generator.

To make an edit box, use the Graphical Objects to do so. Use ObjectCreate with OBJ_EDIT to create an Edit object, or with OBJ_BUTTON to create a Button object.

Then respond to chart events in the OnChartEvent event handler, so as to handle changes in the edit object or when a user clicks on a button.

PS! I did not criticise you. Don't blame others for your lack of understanding. I simply stated that there is no single function to accomplish what you asked for. There are several functions and events that have to be processed in order to work with buttons and edit boxes. I have provided links to the documentation. It is up to you now to read up on it and do some research on how to use them.

ObjectCreate - Object Functions - MQL4 Reference
ObjectCreate - Object Functions - MQL4 Reference
ObjectCreate - Object Functions - MQL4 Reference