Command to remove an indicator from a button.

Hello !
I need help, I have an indicator that I want to place a button on that  when pressed, the indicator will be completely eliminated. Can you help me? I only need the command to remove the indicator, the rest is already done.The only thing missing is its button (I'll create it) to remove the indicator and the function or code to remove the indicator.
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window

input color ClrBoton_1 = clrLimeGreen;                             // Color botón "SL BUY" .:
input color ClrTextoBoton_1 = clrWhite;                            // Color texto botón "SL BUY" .:
input color ClrBoton_2 = clrDeepPink;                              // Color botón "SL SELL" .:
input color ClrTextoBoton_2 = clrWhite;                            // Color texto botón "SL SELL" .:
input color ClrBoton_3 = clrAqua;                                  // Color botón "Borrar SL,s .:
input color ClrTextoBoton_3 = clrBlack;                            // Color texto botón "Borrar SL,s .:
input color ClrZonaSL = clrPink;                                   // Color Zona Stop Loss .:
input color ClrZonaTP = clrPaleGreen;                              // Color Zona Take Profit .:
input double TP = 100;                                             // Tamaño en pips Take Profit .:
input double SL = 20;                                              // Tamaño en pips Stop Loss .:
input double RT = 5;                                               // Ratio .:
input double Long = 150;                                           // Longitud Zonas SL .:

double YsizeSL,YsizeTP,TP1;
datetime time1,time2;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()

//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- Predefinimos el Take Profit
      if(RT == 0)
       {TP1 == TP;}
       {TP1 = RT * SL;}
//--- Creamos botonera
   CrearBoton("Button_1", 1090, 2, 100, 16,  ClrTextoBoton_1, ClrBoton_1, clrBlack,"ORBITRON BOLD",8,"SL BUY");               //+--- Boton  "SL BUY"
   CrearBoton("Button_2", 600 + 390, 2, 100, 16,  ClrTextoBoton_2, ClrBoton_2, clrBlack,"ORBITRON BOLD",8,"SL SELL");         //+--- Boton  "SL SELL"
   CrearBoton("Button_3", 600 + 285, 2, 100, 16,  ClrTextoBoton_3, ClrBoton_3, clrBlack,"ORBITRON BOLD",8,"Borrar SL");      //+--- Boton  "Borrar SL,s"
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//---Borrar botones.      
      ObjectDelete(0, "Button_1");
      ObjectDelete(0, "Button_2");
      ObjectDelete(0, "Button_3");
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaSLBuy");
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaSLSell");
      ObjectDelete(0, "VLTime1");
      ObjectDelete(0, "VLTime2");
//---Borrar Zonas Stop Loss.
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
   bool selected=false;
      string clickedChartObject=sparam;
//ID orders
   if(clickedChartObject=="Button_1")//+--- Boton  "SL BUY"
      double Resultado = SL/10000;
      double Resultado2 = TP1/10000;
      YsizeSL = Bid - Resultado;
      YsizeTP = Bid + Resultado2;
      int Nrvelas = -1*Long;
      datetime time1 = Time[0];
      datetime time2 = Time[0] + (150 * PeriodSeconds());
      ObjectCreate(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1,  Bid, time2, YsizeSL);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_COLOR, ClrZonaSL);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_FILL, true);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_HIDDEN, false);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLBuy", OBJPROP_BACK, true);

      ObjectCreate(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1,  Bid, time2, YsizeTP);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_COLOR, ClrZonaTP);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_FILL, true);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_HIDDEN, false);
       ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPBuy", OBJPROP_BACK, true);                     
//ID orders
   if(clickedChartObject=="Button_2")//+--- Boton  "SL SELL"
      double Resultado = SL/10000;
      double Resultado2 = TP1/10000;
      YsizeSL = Bid + Resultado;
      YsizeTP = Bid - Resultado2;
      int Nrvelas = -1*Long;
      datetime time1 = Time[0];
      datetime time2 = Time[0] + (150 * PeriodSeconds());
      ObjectCreate(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1,  Bid, time2, YsizeSL);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_COLOR, ClrZonaSL);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_FILL, true);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_HIDDEN, false);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaSLSell", OBJPROP_BACK, true);

      ObjectCreate(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, time1,  Bid, time2, YsizeTP);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_COLOR, ClrZonaTP);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_FILL, true);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_HIDDEN, false);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "ZonaTPSell", OBJPROP_BACK, true);                   
//ID orders
   if(clickedChartObject=="Button_3")//+--- Boton  "Borrar SL,s"
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaSLBuy");
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaSLSell");
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaTPBuy");
      ObjectDelete(0, "ZonaTPSell");
//| Create the Button                                                |
void CrearBoton(string NrBoton,int Xdistance, int Ydistance, int Xsize, int Ysize, color TextColor, color ObjBGColor, color ObjBorderColor, string ObjFont,int ButtonFontSize, string ObjText)
      ObjectSetInteger(0,NrBoton,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,3 + Xdistance);