How to set ListView, checkgroup and radiogroup?


The example CPanelDialog(PanelDialog.mqh) show how to create, set an event and delete these objects. I tried, BUT i understood nothing i'm new in the programming.

Someone could explain it in a simple way to how use the classes for the dialogs,


Aeither :

The example CPanelDialog(PanelDialog.mqh) show how to create, set an event and delete these objects. I tried, BUT i understood nothing i'm new in the programming.

Someone could explain it in a simple way to how use the classes for the dialogs,


Let's go step by step. What exactly is not clear?

the first thing is to create a button that show some texts when i click using the class CButton <Controls\Button.mqh> i think.

i wish to  understand how use the class.

Aeither :

the first thing is to create a button that show some texts when i click using the class CButton  <Controls\Button.mqh> i think.

i wish to  understand how use the class.

Example for MQL4 or MQL5?
Example for MQL4 or MQL5?

for MQL4
Aeither :
Only MQL5. For MQL4 I have no examples.
Only MQL5. For MQL4 I have no examples.
Anyway, could you put the MQL5 examples to guide me a bit.
Aeither :
Anyway, could you put the MQL5 examples to guide me a bit.
Here's an example. On the basis of the standard example. Unzip the DataFolder: ... \ MQL5 \ Experts \ Examples \
Here's an example. On the basis of the standard example. Unzip the DataFolder: ... \ MQL5 \ Experts \ Examples \
Thank you, check it out.
Thank you, check it out.
I tested. The code works.
I tested. The code works.
Yup, all of the examples I've tested in MT4 for the panel classes seems to work out of the box