From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 162


In the conventional market, most of the time, simple and clear added value is created through dealing with logistics (delivery) issues from the producer to the end customer or abusing the elementary seasonality of the seasons. You buy in bulk, bring it to the shop, put it on display, stick your 10% and sell it. Bought in summer, froze it and sold it at a production shortfall in winter. Where is it all in the forex? There isn't. Pure speculation, this is a different story, there are no such simple schemes. There is no logistics because supplies are instant and there is no pronounced seasonality.

So there is no such thing. So the matter is different. It was even written outright what it was about.
Uladzimir Izerski:

Not everything is speculative. Oil, gas, timber, ore, machinery, aeroplanes, consumer goods and other things are bought and sold in large quantities. All that moves between countries, and the money is different in different countries. There are banks for that. They change them in the right quantities "by wire".

There is of course speculative capital, but it is not so significant. By the way it supports the liquidity in the forex market.

Let them call it whatever they want and use some literal cribs, it does not help. What I write about cannot be read in any book.

share your smile,
and it will come back to you again and again.

Too many contingency plans would be needed.
That's what Probability Theory is for. Only it would probably have to be applied in a completely non-trivial way...
There are a lot of plans. But improving gradually, they will integrate into the best one.
Renat Akhtyamov:
Let them call it what they like and use some literal cribs, it won't help. What I write about cannot be read in any book.

I totally, 100% book has anything at all :-)

Renat, hand on heart - you don't write about anything.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I totally, 100% book has anything at all :-)

Renat, hand on heart - you don't write about anything.

Lately the rule has been not to repeat myself. That is, if it's said, it's done.
I'm not deleting it.

from practitioners to theorists, like a gift :-)

This is not only an illustration to a wonderful book by a French aviator,

but exactly the histogram of the daily volatility of EURUSD. It's almost the same on other pairs

if TP,SL are fixed and constant in your strategy, so will the histogram of exits (they will decompose within the day)

and the histogram for entries will be a function (a convolution? a mapping?) of this remarkable elephant

that's how the market extracts your money (pushes to trades) when it needs it.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

it's not just an illustration of a wonderful book by a French aviator

And the coaches say you can only eat an elephant in pieces. ;)
There is nothing more theoretical than bad practice)
Renat Akhtyamov:
There are many plans. But improving gradually, they are integrated into the best one.
Perhaps, but you can't do without statistics. Even the same tester is also a statistical tool that gives out probabilities.
The very notion of best/worst cannot be defined in principle without statistics.
So it is somehow possible to calculate in advance this best option, without incremental improvement and without spending a huge amount of time.