Seperating backtest results into months(costum parameter)


good evening,

Im trying to add a costum optimazation paramater to the EA strategy tester and i have two questions about it,

What i'm trying to do is to seperate my data from a single optimazation run, lets say from december 2014 till februari 2015 into data from single months. I'm trying to create a script that has a steady profit each month. So basicly after an optimazation run containing data from 3 months to get the Net-profit from month 1, month 2 and month 3 seperate. This way i can see if the result depends on daily events or more rare events. Getting this into a script would safe a lot of time

I don't know where to start, below is what i had in mind. I havent had it working yet, this will be question one, how will i get the 3 variable to show up in the optimazation result section . The second thing that i think that will hapen is that TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT); returns the value of all 3 months and not just one.

double OnTester(){
   double month1;
   double month2;
   double month3;
   if(Month() == 12){
   month1 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);
   if(Month() == 1){
   month2 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);
   if(Month() == 2){
   month3 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);


It would be great if anyone could help me with this, Thanks in advance.

 P.S english is not my native language, forgive me for any spelling errors.

double OnTester(){
   double month1 = 1.0;
   double month2 = 2.0;

   double month3 = 3.0;

   if(Month() == 12){
         month1 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);
         return month1;
   if(Month() == 1){
        month2 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);
        return month2;
   if(Month() == 2){
         month3 = TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT);
         return month3;


It returns a value if i test one month, so if i test december it returns month1. But as soon as i test multiple months, lets say december and january it returns 2. The predifined value.

How do i return multiple variables? i tried google but i couldn't find anything good.

and i think it will return the whole STAT_PROFIT for the test and not just of one month.

Thanks in advance

I wonder if you can not use excel for this purpose
i exported all data to excel but i am not sure how to make it automated.