[CLOSED] : Compiler bug with template parameter = void* - page 20


Button lamp through g with virtuality:

hackneyed examples.

This is not an example of polymorphism nor is it an example of a pattern. It's just an example of using a bool variable and nothing else (apart from a thick layer of huskies).

There is no way templates can replace polymorphism.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Templates cannot replace polymorphism in any way.

Where did I say otherwise? The point is that polymorphism is trying to replace templates.


And where did I state otherwise? The point is that polymorphism tries to replace templates.

It is rather you are trying to replace the normal OOP approach with a crutch) Templates are in fact only needed for stored data and in some interfaces like IComparable<T>.

There are practically no performance benefits from them. In your second sample the compiler inlays everything, because everything is unambiguous there.

Alexey Navoykov:

It is rather you are trying to replace the normal OOP approach with a crutch) Templates are in fact only needed for stored data and in some interfaces like IComparable<T>.

There are practically no performance benefits from them. In your second example, the compiler inlays everything, because everything is unambiguous there.

It's not my example, it's a classic example of dependency inversion. And don't pick on its simplicity, it just demonstrates an idea, if I wrote a sheet of code would you say "well yeah, that's a different thing"?

Templates have become a crutch, yes . . All right, I'll call it a day.

By the way, back to void*, I've just realized that even dynamic_cast does not work (does not compile) with it in C++, which is logical, because we just have an impersonal pointer to a memory area. That's why it can only be cast explicitly. Correspondingly, we need to know for sure what type lies there. That's why void* by itself is useless in C++. Everything is different in MQL. But for compatibility purposes we should avoid using dynamic_cast and delete with pointers of void* type