Pouring the object - page 2


I based my code on this example. I just can't figure out what the difference is. Only that there is a window for input parameters.

What if I don't need this window? If I just want to create an object with the parameters I want. Is this possible?

But there...

color           clr=clrBeige;

and you have

const color            clr    = clrBeige;

and in general, I suspect that your rectangle is created somewhere not in the visible part of the window.

Let's try to modify it with a plus.

   double   Price_Level_1     = Close[9]; //котировки золота
   double   Price_Level_2     = Close[0];
   datetime Left_Side_1      = Time[9];                                  
   datetime Right_Side_1     = Time[0]; 

Get an object on the screen, correct it as you need it.

Well, you can just put it in OnInit() temporarily to make sure that the code is executed once


const removed, left bool fill = false; still not responding.

the colour changes. the line style changes. the object is also right in the centre.



const removed, left bool fill = false; still not responding.

it changes colour. the line style changes. the object is also right in the centre.


I don't get it.

the object is drawn, what's not to like?

why are all the other properties set then? i run the code with the compile button.
What I don't like is that the object is drawn filled and I only want the frame to be drawn
why then all the other properties are set? i run the code with the compile button.

as a backdrop is this.


What do you want, I don't understand it?

I am creating a red rectangle on my screen, but it is all filled in, but I want to create a rectangle without a fill, only the rectangle frame


Не работает функция OBJPROP_FILL
Не работает функция OBJPROP_FILL
  • 2014.06.09
  • www.mql5.com
Ставлю true/false ничего не меняется. Заливка квадрата в любом случае...
So drawing it with lines is an option.
I got it. Are you there?