German elections, when to short the euro, or buy it? - page 13


And do you realise that you, while challenging a fundamental cosmological scientific hypothesis, give as evidence a link to an article from the website "Book of Mysteries: UFOs", which has sections like: Reich UFOs, Rumours, Traces of the Gods, Alchemy, Immortality, Darkness Comes, Nuclear Bombs in the Kitchen, etc.?

As a rule, all discoveries (or rather, not all, a very large number of them) start with someone with an inquisitive mind questioning a currently accepted hypothesis (doctrine, concept, scientific law)...

Nikolai Semko:

The first source that confused you does not mention that either. The Big Bang theory is based on the fact that as the distance to the observed galaxies increases, the redshift of the light they emit increases. Explaining this fact by the Doppler effect, i.e. the further away a galaxy is from us, the faster it escapes from us. I only said that this effect will also occur when the 4 dimensions, which physicists call the space-time continuum, are curved (or rather "spherical"), even if the galaxy is static and not moving away from us. And this, at the very least, casts doubt on the validity of the hypothesis of an expanding Universe and, as a consequence, the Big Bang theory. Finding of 1979 confirms the fact of redshift of the same quasar, but with different light path length, i.e. the more the path curvature, the more the redshift. Which is really the case, the further away a galaxy is, the greater the ratio of the path length of light to the shortest distance to it. And this is no longer my own imagination. Einstein talked about it too. I'm just trying to think logically. If my reasoning is illogical, point out my illogic.

That is what I said from you - for professional astrophysicists the phenomenon discovered in 1979 does not contradict the theory of inflationary expansion of the Universe, and for you, a man who studied physics only from secondary school, it does.

Well, it happens.

Vladimir Suschenko:

As a rule, all discoveries (or rather, not all, a very large number of them) start with someone with an inquisitive mind questioning a currently accepted hypothesis (doctrine, concept, scientific law)...

And can you give an example from modern physics, chemistry, molecular biology, mathematics to support your words, when a person with no special education "questions" and "discovers" something?

Nikolai Semko:

BingBang only exists in the minds of scientists. And how they cannot understand that redshift is a consequence of the curvature of the space-time continuum, and as a consequence of the fact - when the actual distance between two objects in the Universe is always less than the length of the path of light between them. To use an analogy with the surface of the Earth: when the shortest distance between, say, Moscow and New York City passes not through the surface of the Earth, but through the Earth. And the further the points are apart, the greater will be the ratio of the distance across the surface to the distance along the shortest line. The same is true of the space-time continuum: as the distance of objects in the Universe increases, so does the ratio of the length of the trajectory of light to the actual distance between them. This is the essence of redshift, but it is not the result of the Doppler effect.

(And Ostap gets carried away... )))

Apologies for being off-topic...

A small clarification, with this approach we have to abandon the conceptof "real distance between two objects" - it becomes meaningless.


And can you give an example from modern physics to back up your words, where a person with no special education "questions" and "discovers" something?

I can.

Vladimir Suschenko:

I can.


Vladimir Suschenko:

A small clarification, with this approach we have to abandon the conceptof "real distance between two objects" - it becomes meaningless.

Not at all. Distances between points in N-dimensional space are very easy to calculate.
Very roughly, our universe can be described by the four-dimensional sphere formula:

where X,Y,Z are the coordinates of space, T is time reduced to distance through c is the speed of light, and R is the radius of our universe.
There are simple formulas to calculate the chord length and the arc length between two points on a given sphere.

Simply, the path of an arc will pass through points in our Universe, while the path of a chord will not pass through points in our Universe. This is difficult to realise with our primitive spatial thinking. But I would like to remind you that in string theory there are 10 or more dimensions.

Nikolai Semko:

not at all. Distances between points in N-dimensional space are very easily counted.
Very roughly our universe can be described by the four dimensional sphere formula:

where X,Y,Z are the coordinates of space, T is time reduced to distance through c is the speed of light, and R is the radius of our universe.
There are simple formulas to calculate the chord length and the arc length between two points on a given sphere.

"Very roughly" our Universe is described by an eight-dimensional model MINIMUM.

Well, as someone who criticises the theory of inflationary expansion of the universe, you do know that string theory operates on 10 and 26 dimensional space, which THEORETERALLY can be rolled down to a 4 dimensional model.....


"Very roughly" our universe is described by an eight-dimensional model MINIMUM

And I didn't say our universe is 4-dimensional. It's just that 4 dimensions are still somehow accessible to figurative understanding. By the way I finished there about 10 or more dimensions in string theory.

Nikolai Semko:

Not at all. Distances between points in N-dimensional space are very easy to calculate.
Very roughly, our universe can be described by the four dimensional sphere formula:

where X,Y,Z are the coordinates of space, T is time reduced to distance through c is the speed of light, and R is the radius of our universe.
There are simple formulas to calculate the chord length and the arc length between two points on a given sphere.

Now imagine these X,Y,Z (assuming curvature of space) as zigzag, wavy, spiral, and other bizarre shapes and not necessarily closed... So then what can be calculated by the formula given?
