Do books help you in trading? - page 2

Renat Akhtyamov:

The scientific method?

There is one, only it's expensive.

So the topic-starter asked a question, he's right.

Renat, first of all, I don't express myself that way, because I think it's a bad tone. And secondly, what is the right of the original author? He was asking, he wasn't asserting anything.

Victor Ziborov:

Renat, first of all, I don't express myself that way, because I think it's a bad tone. And secondly, what's the rightness of the original author? He was asking, he wasn't asserting anything.

Sorry. Didn't mean to.

I was just remembering myself. It's hard when you don't share your experiences.

Learning from other people's mistakes is the surest and fastest way to success in forex. I meant it.

The book I showed is sensible, in all seriousness. From the 80th page onwards. That's about as far as I can get.
Renat Akhtyamov:

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

I just remembered myself. It's hard when one doesn't share one's experiences.

Learning from other people's mistakes is the surest way to success in forex. What I meant was this.

Renat, you're right. Learning from other people's mistakes is the best way. It's worse when you learn from your own mistakes, but at least on a demo account. As long as you don't end up (me) unlearned.

you are a good trader. why would you write a book?
They will only help you to understand the basics of forex.

You will be explained what forex is, how to use the terminal and the most popular strategies.
Buffett was asked: do you read books?
he said no.
because the authors are only willing to share in books what has already stopped working.
you are a good trader. why would you write a book?

The intrigue has dragged on...

I'm a bad trader, but I have an answer. Maybe more than one.

What about you?

ps the answers are on the forum, you can peek.

ps2 buffett is a public figure. Just because he says so, doesn't mean he thinks so. Besides, - I'm a sinner, because I wrote it myself.

Buffett was asked: do you read books?
he said no.
Why not?
Because the authors agree to share only what has already stopped working in books.

Buffett is considered by some criteria to be a loser trader. Why?

He is buying stocks and sitting out losses for up to 5 years, which is why some circles think so, but if you look at Buffett's fortune as a loser-billionaire with his sitting out, it all falls into place.

There's half the forum boiling over about overshooting, stoplosses, martingales and other heresies.

Maksim Levashov:
Did any of these books really help in trading? If yes, what did you read?

There are actually two books that I recommend to anyone who asks me about it. I read them at the very beginning of my career as a trader.

Thomas Demark's "Technical Analysis: A New Science".

Stephen Neeson "Beyond the Japanese Candlesticks".

Mihail Marchukajtes:

............ich at the very beginning of his career as a trader.

Actually, a career is when one achieves success in something that one does professionally (from the word profession)