and wandering around randomly again... - page 52


Are you going to claim that ANY trajectory"2 down, 1 up in an infinite loop" is NOT POSSIBLE?

It is possible, and I have already written about it. But only this infinity is of a smaller order than the total number of motions (coin tosses).

Let's be lenient, the man's life is not going well. In the West, Russian speakers are considered second-class citizens, even if you know German, because you can't hide your accent. Moreover, apparently he is nostalgic, he does not live on Russian-language sites for nothing, he feels more comfortable here. Here, in the status of a foreigner, he feels as if he is above the others).

And you, too, are a real hypocrite, you do not like to shit in response to heresy, so do not be stingy with your own unsmelling.
I see you are a hypocrite too, if you don't like the backlash of heresy, don't be stingy with your own unsmelling.
I didn't write anything offensive, just a psychological profile. Moreover, I urged those who insult him to be lenient, understand the man and take into account the environment in which he lives.
I have not written anything insulting, it is just a psychological portrait. Moreover, I urged those who insulted him to be lenient and understand the man and take into account the environment in which he lives.

If I am going to write now that you were often hit on the head as a child and we should pity your inadequate perception of scientific works of famous people, I am sort of not insulting you either, I am just pitying you. And from the psychological portrait I made of you, that's exactly what it looks like. And I can send and retaliate so veiledly that a mosquito will not shave a nose.

Just don't make an intellectual's face and square it with hypocrisy.


... we should feel sorry for your inadequate perception of the scientific works of famous people...

Which scientific works of famous people do I have an inadequate perception of? Where did you get that from, or is it just a metaphor for an example? I understand, when there is no dirt, you have to make it up).
What scientific writings of famous people am I inadequately perceiving? Where did you get that from, or is it just a metaphor for an example? I understand, when there is no dirt, you have to make it up).

I'd explain, but you'll get off the subject again. Like right now, you've been thumbed at your own "trolism" and you've jumped to another topic. And you continue your hypocrisy.

I'll stop for a while, or this too will get cleaned up because of you, I'd hate to see the portraits of the true faces of those involved deleted.

I didn't write anything offensive, it's just a psychological portrait. Moreover, I urged those who insult him to be lenient, understand the man and consider the environment he lives in.

a real hypocrite.... you don't mind throwing poo at someone else yes...just sneakily like a subcutaneous bitch....

What do you know about me to make such portraits? How do you know what environment I live in, with whom, for how long, etc.? Do you know that, you empty-headed blabbermouth?

you old devil who never learned how to talk naive gray-haired sack of shit.... you're a hypocritical skin worm and a shell-shocked old man .... that's your psychological sketch...


a real don't mind throwing poo at someone else yes...just sneakily like a subcutaneous beast....

what do you know about me to make such portraits? how do you know what environment I live in, with whom, for how long, etc.? do you know that, you empty-headed blabbermouth?

you old devil who never learned how to talk back...naive gray-haired sucker.... you're a hypocritical skinworm and just a shell-shocked old man .... that's your psychological sketch...

Well, you have a rich arsenal of swear words, I can throw in a few more to add to your collection (it's from Remarque) :

moldy baboon, mentally ill bastard, flat-footed degenerate, unemployed body washer, cow's head eating cancer, walking steak graveyard.

Now your repertoire of swear words will be even richer and more colourful, and it will brighten up your hard life in a foreign land. Mind you, I've never yet used those swear words in action on this forum. I entrust the palm to you as the most experienced scandalizer on this forum.Now you will be armed like no other.)))


Well, you have a rich arsenal of swear words, I can throw in a few more to add to your collection (that's from Remarque):

moldy baboon, mentally ill bastard, flat-footed degenerate, unemployed body washer, cow's head eating cancer, walking steak graveyard.

Now your repertoire of swear words will be even richer and more colourful, and it will brighten up your hard life in a foreign land. Mind you, I've never yet used those swear words in action on this forum. I entrust the palm to you as the most experienced scandalizer on this forum.Now you will be armed like no one else.)))

at least i'm not sneaky unlike you...i'm just sending or sprinkling swear words...but not making remarks about your personal life, your past, your son with his biocompetes...since i don't have that information and i don't throw words around....

but you've started another sly trolling strategy just right for your rotten pissy sneaky jackal soul...started creating a past and circumstances of my life that you know nothing about at all...

why do i suddenly have a hard time in a foreign land? .... just made that up...just like you...under the guise of being nice (you fucking hypocrite) you're trying to fuck with're such a peculiar scumbag......


at least i'm not sneaky unlike you...i'm just sending or sprinkling cuss words...but not making remarks about your personal life, your past, your son with his biocompetes...since i don't have that information and i don't throw words around....

but you started another sneaky trolling strategy, just right for your rotten pissy jackal soul...started creating a past and circumstances of my life that you know nothing about at all...

why do i suddenly have a hard time in a foreign land? .... just made that up...just like you...under the guise of being nice (you fucking hypocrite) you're trying to fuck with're such a pussy......

Waking up early, good for you, you're an early riser. You hurt my feelings, you didn't use Remarque's repertoire. Too bad, I tried so hard for you, leafing through "Three Comrades". All right, well, goodbye).