Are there any people who got rich off forex? - page 6


I think, if there are any, there are very few of them. I mean those who make money on a regular basis.

I've read about 100 books and tested all the ideas in them, plus my own ideas. To be honest, after 7 thousand, I stopped counting the order in which bots I was making. I have optimized and tested each robot. I have also tried combining automated and manual trading. As a matter of fact I was working 10-12 hours a day and was sleeping much in my spare time. As a result I have got additional problems with my heart in addition to spine.

I could not earn any money. Almost all trading robots eventually failed, or I earned some money and then lost the profit.

All my research is limited by my old laptop and lack of space. The accommodation you live in means a lot. Trading is a lot of stress in itself and when you finally get a chance to sleep and your roommates have occasional bouts of debauchery or just start bouncing around for no reason, it takes a heavy toll on your health.

Plus, the computer's processing power is weak, so it can take a long time to check everything. I need a few powerful computers and a separate room for them, as constantly being with running machines, too, is not good for health, changing the blood.

So, for the time being I only check Forex, I do not look at shares, futures, I have no money for them anyway.

I cannot work for somebody, my health is not good enough. So it turns out that either forex will kill me, or I will kill it...

Damned gambling addiction clings to a man with a dead grip and will not let go for the rest of his life).
The damned gambling addiction takes hold of a person with a deadly grip and doesn't let go for the rest of his life).

Gambling addiction is long gone, it's a thing of the past.
People who make money from forex do not pay taxes for the most part. It is dangerous for them to flaunt their successes.

Gambling addiction is long gone, it's a thing of the past.

It just took another form). Many people are stubborn (like sheep myself) and try to beat forex at all costs, sacrificing their free time and health.

For myself, the main thing is to have ideas. As long as there are ideas, there is hope for the best)

Here's a simple idea... Start of the week. Opening of trades.(Product price) There was a movement ( buy sell ) =x(End of the week) - if the product is frozen in the market or very fresh.WHAT WILL happen IF A HURRICANE IS OUT ON THE COUNTRY.
The damned gambling addiction takes hold of a person with a deadly grip and doesn't let go for the rest of his life).

Oh, you're definitely wrong about that. THE STOCK MARKET IS NOT GAMBLING, IT'S SPECULATION.

It just took a different form). Many people are stubborn (I am too) like sheep and try to beat forex at all costs, sacrificing their free time and health.

Ok just look at the situation in Europe and Britain. What are the opinions.

There has been some discussion about speculators and whether their role is positive or not. It is definitely positive, they are the lifeblood of all markets, which creates liquidity.

For example, there are no speculators in the market. A man came to buy 300 dollars, a stock, no matter what. There are three sellers at 50 rubles 100 quid, 70 rubles 100 quid, and 150 also 100 quid.

Eventually he buys on the market and collects all three sell orders with an average price that soars to the 90 quid level. And if there were speculators, he would buy everything for 50 and a penny.


I think, if there are any, there are very few of them. I mean those who make money on a regular basis.

I've read about 100 books and tested all the ideas in them, plus my own ideas. To be honest, after 7 thousand, I stopped counting the order in which bots I was making. I have optimized and tested each robot. I have also tried combining automated and manual trading. As a matter of fact I was working 10-12 hours a day and was sleeping much in my spare time. As a result I have got additional problems with my heart in addition to spine.

I failed to earn money.


I could not work for someone else, my health is not good enough. So either forex will kill me or I'll kill it...

I read it and I cried. I'm a bit like you. Why don't you add hatha yoga to your routine?

There has been some discussion about speculators and whether their role is positive or not. It is definitely positive, they are the lifeblood of all markets, which creates liquidity.

For example, there are no speculators in the market. A man came to buy 300 dollars, a stock, no matter what. There are three sellers at 50 rubles 100 quid, 70 rubles 100 quid, and 150 also 100 quid.

Eventually he buys on the market and collects all three sell orders with an average price that soars to the 90 quid level. And if there were speculators, he would buy everything for 50 and a penny.

That's the whole point. If you buy one kopeck at a time and dump a couple of tanks on the way and then move on, the money will go up. This is what you need to see in the terminal, for example, this week and the last 3 days.