Are there any people who got rich off forex? - page 4

hrenfx kind of bit off a million$ from the market on FX, it's not rich, but not a bad pension, although of course only he knows the truth, since FX is through dealing, you know... even OpenFX thinks 50-100$ a month has profit from pimps, and myo$ to give is a serious loss for the company, so...

The trading system has been around for a long time, it took 2.5-3 years to develop. I am with it like Gollum from Lord of the Rings - Mooooooooodyoooodyoooody)))) So pass it in the hands of a programmer who may someday leak it onto the network - I do not want to.
You can order a "fish", i.e. billet expert, and tell the programmer only the information that is not of special value. And in the entry and exit conditions he will leave a blank space for you to insert the code of the condition yourself. You don't need to know much to do it (finish the Expert Advisor). You can learn it on your own without any problems. You can even use indicators in fish. Do not provide names of indicators. You will type the names in the code yourself. Or, give indicators their own names, which are not available on the Internet, but, of course, do not send indicator files to the programmer.
Vladimir Suschenko:
It is wrong - if a person has chosen a way to make a fortune, working on Forex (it means supposing/assuming that success is most likely in this very activity for him) and he was able to earn 30 million (that confirms the correctness of his choice of a way of making earnings), then it is not very logical to invest the earned money in other activities (in which, given the initial choice in favor of Forex, a person does not expect to be as successful).
The right thing to do, observing reasonable proportions, is to distribute the money earned into 2 types of investments:
1- to earn on Forex (having a solid starting capital, it will already be easier than starting from scratch) the sums are already an order/pair of orders of magnitude bigger;
2- invest in yourself (including and perhaps even as a priority, to obtain a return in the form of intangible benefits) - which means health, education, improvement of living conditions, development of talents and abilities, increasing the cultural and spiritual level of himself, family, relatives and friends, patronage and charity (let it not seem strange, but I also refer these items of expenditure to "investment in themselves").
As the amount of income received increases, it will be possible to change the percentage ratio between these types of investments.

I can agree with you, it depends on the person, someone will do so, someone will do otherwise.

Personally, I distribute part of my profits approximately as follows: a certain % goes to the family as personal expenses, a certain % goes to the maintenance of flats, cars, etc., a certain % goes to savings (of which you can spend on health, travel, gadgets, etc.), a certain % goes to investments in real estate and interesting young business projects, while the rest remains in forex and increases the depth of opportunities.

I think it is a mistake to leave all the money in the stock market by increasing the turnover of transactions (my personal opinion). I feel more comfortable when I know that I rent/construct flats, which quickly pay for themselves, if they were bought at the stage of initial construction, etc.

I would rather be very smoothly increase the turnover at the exchange, knowing that there is something tangible, rather than harassing the psyche and understand that suddenly all the turnover will go and I'll stay with a bare bum.

Vladimir Suschenko:
As someone said someone smart, a person is most successful in the activity, which in the process gives him the greatest joy and sense of satisfaction (this is not a literal quotation, the common sense retold). You need either to change the activity or change your attitude to it. (I'm just making a point without trying to counter-argue like "don't tell me how to live my life").

So for me exchangers give joy, I like to bother with all this and understand that I'm better than most people. It's good for my ego as well))

It's just not always and not all your life, what you love will give you pleasure. Everybody likes sweets but when there is a lot of them, they make you sick.

That's what I've been doing for a week making prosthetic teeth and mentally restoring my health. I don't know what's going on in the markets now and I'm looking forward to Monday morning to start creating again.

At the same time on the other hand, if I'm told to work in a mine and mine coal, while guaranteeing me a wage that the market brings me - I'll agree.

You can order a "fish", i.e., the Expert Advisor and tell the programmer only the information that is of no special value. And in the entry and exit conditions he will leave a blank space for you to insert the code of the condition yourself. You don't need to know much to do it (finish the Expert Advisor). You can learn it on your own without any problems.

The point is that it is not the easiest entry condition (at least I think it is). Entry condition is formed from the schedule, which I draw on a sheet of paper on which the values processed by me data from the market that form a system of coordinates and if this system, two lines intersect above or below a certain average line, it is the entry point into the market, if directed in one direction, then too entry system.

Honestly, I thought about having a programmer do the expert part and I do the rest, but I can't imagine being able to do "all the rest" myself. Therefore, I have given up this idea in due time. As a result, I have a couple of Expert Advisors, written by programmers, which make life easier))


The point is that the entry condition (at least, as I think) is not the easiest one. Entry condition is formed from a chart which I draw on a sheet of paper, on which the values, processed by me data from the market, which form a system of coordinates and if in this system two straight lines cross above, or below a certain average line, it is an entry point into the market, if directed in one direction, then too the entry system.

Honestly, I thought about having a programmer do the expert part and I do the rest, but I can't imagine being able to do "all the rest" myself. Therefore, I have given up this idea in due time. As a result, I have a couple of Expert Advisors, which have been written by programmers and which make my life easier))

I see. Another option is to use two or more Expert Advisors. Each of them makes some part of the calculations and saves the results in the global variables. And one of them reads the results from the global variables and uses them to open and close orders. Each EA has to be ordered by a different programmer.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Only they're not brokers, they're dealers. Two big differences.)

They are not brokers at all. they are bookmakers. They can organise betting on horses and you can get rich on it.)


I personally realised for myself that getting rich is much more realistic in investing than in trading... I plan to compile a portfolio of stocks selected according to my favourite criteria...

To show what an opportunity investing represents I'll show you this example... it's shares of MICROBOT MED INC medical corporation that you can buy now as cheap as never before...

and the strategy is always only BUY AND HOLD. all the rest is a financial casino with zero outcome.

and if they go back up at least one more time to the highs they were at, which can happen in a couple of years, even if it's 10 or whatever... we can wait...

they are now worth 3 usd and they rise several times to 20,000. and if it happens one more time, it is possible to get 20,000,000 by investing 1,000!

in one single trade and you can never trade again and be well off for the rest of your life...


I personally realised for myself that getting rich is much more realistic in investing than in trading... I plan to compile a portfolio of stocks selected according to my favourite criteria...

To show what an opportunity investing represents I'll show you this example... it's shares of MICROBOT MED INC medical corporation that you can buy now as cheap as never before...

and the strategy is always only BUY AND HOLD. all the rest is a financial casino with zero outcome.

and if they go back up at least one more time to the highs they were at, which can happen in a couple of years, even if it's 10 or whatever... we can wait...

they are now worth 3 usd and they rise several times to 20,000. and if it happens one more time, it is possible to get 20,000,000 by investing 1,000!

in one single trade and you can never trade again and be rich for life...

So this is also trading, only for the long term).

So it's also trading, only for the long term).

not really... or not at all... i will explain why and how i see it...

the biggest difference is that trading is pure speculation on rates, both long and short

when a trader goes short, it is actually anti-investment.....

trader does not want to participate in economic growth and does not care about the economy ... trader is a purely selfish entity, whose activity only benefits himself ... and chasing after large profits ... bigger than the economic growth ... trader wants to be smart and beat the index indexes .... wants to earn higher interest than those who set up companies and do nothing... so this cheap, anti-humanitarian approach results in a hit... so the market teaches and throws people out for greediness... so that the economy does not collapse... It can not be otherwise...

To prevent the economy from collapsing... because it can't be otherwise... just imagine in what hell we'd be living in if everyone could earn 1000% a year and did nothing else... everything would collapse...But the problem is that you cannot make money trading ... the market, the economic system and society simply will not allow it.

1. An investor does not short... that's one thing... he buys assets, thus helping the company and investing in something useful that the company brings to society...

2. an investor does not chase super profits and does not try to get rich quick.... as money ...especially big money takes TIME...Buffett said about it...the best strategy is to never part with the shares you bought and keep them as long as possible, maybe even for life....

I watched a lot of videos on German YouTube about trading and investing... I was blown away... I learned so many new things... they think and talk differently... different mentality... I don't want to say better, just different... I see a lot in a new way.... It's good that I know German like the back of my hand...