selecting the hardware (computer) to use - page 9

Andrey Dik:

From what kind of real life? It's a "my friend who has a friend of mine who has a friend of mine who has seen...")

Yeah - so what?

or are you the only one who speaks the truth on this forum - and everyone else is a "my friend said"...

Andrey Dik:

It is clear that not desktops, but even the top-of-the-line processors (from the top-of-the-line range Yura gave an example) nobody in their right mind sets, the increase compared to the previous ones in the range does not exceed 1-2% and the cost is higher by 2 or more times. That is why I was saying that these top-of-the-line processors are not a mass product, they are just the same stones as the lower in the line, but which have stood the test at a higher frequency and are being designed as a separate line of products. The consumers of such products are crazy morons, kickback lovers and those who take part in other dubious schemes to divvy up the company's or father's money.

Ask Renat if he will ever put the top-of-the-line processors in his cars.)

I agree, in top-end ones the performance gain is totally out of line with the price. Moreover top and non top processors are usually raced to approximately the same frequency)) And if the multiplier is also unlocked... By the way, the Ruzen 7*** seems to have it unlocked.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yeah - so what?

Or you and no one else are the only one who speaks the truth on this forum

Well he didn't say exactly what he saw or the reason for what he saw. It's just an uninformative throw-in.

And I asked you specifically, have you dealt with CAD/CAM/CAE systems? - no? - I have. That is specific personal experience with iron demanding systems. So yes, I have specific experience, it is my specific experience that is the basis of all my statements, not "my doug won...".

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yeah - so what?

Or are you the only one who tells the truth on this forum - and everyone else is a "my friend told me so"?

That's what I said about my life, man! Wipe dirt and cobwebs off your monitor, put on glasses and read carefully ))))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I agree, with the top-end ones the performance gain is completely out of proportion to the price. Moreover, top and non top ones usually race to about the same frequency )). And if the multiplier is also unlocked... By the way, it seems to be unlocked on the Rosen 7***.
There you go, sensible words. Yeah, I read that the multiplier would be unlocked too.
Эффект Ryzen: некоторые магазины снижают цены на Core i7 и i5
Эффект Ryzen: некоторые магазины снижают цены на Core i7 и i5
На этой неделе должны начаться продажи первых трёх процессоров AMD Ryzen — восьмиядерных Ryzen 7 1700, Ryzen 7 1700X и Ryzen 7 1800X. По информации ресурса DigiTimes, первоначальная партия CPU «превысит один миллион штук». Во многих магазинах цены на них в первое время могут быть завышены. Однако даже с учётом возможных наценок, дебютные модели...
Andrey Dik:

Well he didn't say exactly what he saw or the reason for what he saw. It's just an uninformative throw-in.

And I asked you specifically, have you dealt with CAD/CAM/CAE systems? - no? - I have. That is specific personal experience with iron demanding systems. So yes, I have specific experience, it is my specific experience that is the basis of all my statements, not "my doug won...".

I've already written that I've dealt with pcad.
I haven't dealt with modern cad cae
And you worked with databases 4 terabytes and more? Where the number of cores, the disk subsystem and the amount of RAM is important.
Are we going to have a pissing match?
Have you ever programmed a real time operating system?
Did you run the processor through microcodes? On the clock?
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I already wrote that I dealt with pcad.
I haven't dealt with modern cad myself.
Have you ever worked with databases over 4 terabytes in size? Where the number of cores, the disk subsystem and the amount of RAM are important ...
Are we going to have a pissing match now?

It's not about pussy, it's about the experience of using pussy. So, have you tried using these databases on Intel and AMD comparative performance processors? And that the databases are worse on AMD dongles? Please, don't make me laugh, it's nighttime already, it's not good to laugh too loud at this time.

Don't start talking about how the bases are better based on Intell... hehe)))

The point is that there is no difference if comparable performance processors are used. And if you can pay less, why pay more, my friend Garazio Yuri?

Andrey Dik:
It's not about pussy, it's about the experience of using pussy. So, have you tried using these databases on Intel and AMD comparative performance proceses? And are the databases worse on AMD dongles?

What do you mean, it's not about them? - it's a very important substance. well let's put it to the right purpose :-) - andhave you seen a man for whom this substance doesn't matter?

Well... Let's go back a couple of pages: in one of the big firms, they bought AMD - that didn't work and INTEL did.

No, because they didn't buy AMD-based real battle iron, just serious battle iron :-) I haven't seen any AMD based...

Andrey Dik: then why pay more, my friend Garacio Yuri?
home gaming - comp - no question - I see no reason to pay much