Where can I buy a book on EA programming? - page 6

Georgiy Merts:

So who minds?

But - it's clearly not for beginners. Especially if you haven't worked with defines, which fxsaber is very fond of.

In my programs too, everything is quite short, clear and to the point. But for someone who has never dealt with virtual interfaces and OOP-overloading - my codes will also be too complicated.

What is fxsaber ? What is an interface ? What is a define ? What is an OOP overload ?
So ..... which should I buy first ? C+ or C# ?
So ..... which should I buy first ? C+ or C# ?

Apart from forex, what area are you interested in?

Then we can recommend a language/system/software that might be useful there as well.

What is fxsaber ? What is an interface? What is a define ? What is an OOP-overloading ?

Exactly. That's why newbies shouldn't go there.

So, let's take some articles from the website (like this one), read them and look through the code. If you have any questions, ask them in the forum.

Пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5 для начинающих
Пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5 для начинающих
  • www.mql5.com
В основе глубокого понимания любого интеллектуального предмета, неважно какого, будь то математика, музыка или программирование, лежит тщательное изучение самых, фундаментальных первооснов такого предмета. Это здорово, когда подобное изучение совпадает с развитием человека и азы той или иной науки он познаёт в достаточно юном возрасте. В такой...
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Apart from forex, what area are you interested in?

Then we can advise on a language/system/software that might be useful there as well.

I'm not interested in anything other than forex.
Georgiy Merts:

Exactly, that's why beginners shouldn't go there.

Take the articles from the website (say, this one, read them, and understand the code given. If you have any questions, ask them in the forum.

Questions have arisen FOREVER!!! I wrote them!!! Gave an example of a statement to his address!!! But the questions are NOT ANSWERED!!!

Georgiy Merts:

Exactly, that's why beginners shouldn't go there.

Take the articles from the site (say, this one, read them, and understand the code given. If you have any questions, ask them in the forum.

I am very young - I'm going to retire soon and then anathema rubbed grey in my beard and demon in my ribs - damn it by a leg and through a yoke!
Apart from xfora, I'm not interested in anything.

What tools do you use other than MT?

For example:
Excel at least... then instead of "buy MQL book" then it would be better to order "interface to your favourite/familiar spreadsheets".
This would be the right division - the trader does his, the programmer does his.

It's just that in any Expert Advisor/indicator 70% of code is the nuances of interaction with the platform, which even knowing MQL, you cannot immediately understand :-)

Georgiy Merts:

Exactly. That's why newbies shouldn't go there.

We take the articles from the website (for example this one), read them and look through the code. If you have any questions, ask them in the forum.

it's the code again!!! I have questions: "what are the lines? why two? why to the right? What if it's three to the right? What if it's four to the left? What if it's two straight? What about the plus sign? Why are there so many minuses? What's a minus? What is it for?" ,,,,,, And this is just the beginning of MMM "

They write here: "Ask questions" And when you ask the answer: "Help you directory F1" but the directory F1 on its own wave and my questions he does not care ............

Maxim Kuznetsov:

What tools do you use other than MT?

For example:
Excel at least... then instead of "buy MQL book" then it would be better to order "interface to your favourite/familiar spreadsheets".
This would be the right division - trader does his, programmer does his.

It's just that in any Expert Advisor/indicator 70% of the code is the nuances of interaction with the platform, which even knowing MQL, you cannot immediately understand :-)

I don't use anything besides MT