Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 46



I am asking for help.

How do I know that the loss from the beginning of the day, for closed positions was 10%?

This Expert Advisor shows in the upper left corner the percentage of profit or loss for a set period

//|                                                       test02.mq4 |
//|                                                   Sergey Gritsay |
//|                |
#property copyright "Sergey Gritsay"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//|                                                                  |
enum mode_type
   ALL = -1
input string Symbols=NULL;
input int Magic=-1;//Identification number
input mode_type ModeType=ALL;

double procent=0.0;
double prev_balans=0.0;
double Profit=0.0;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
           "\nTime = ",iTime(_Symbol,TimeFrame,0),
           "\nProfit = ",DoubleToStr(Profit,2),
           "\nprev_balans = ",DoubleToStr(prev_balans,2),
           "\nprocent = ",DoubleToStr(procent,4)," %"
double LastProfit(
                  datetime time,      // Дата, представленная в виде количества секунд, прошедших после 00:00 1 января 1970 года.
                  string symbol=NULL, // символ, если NULL то любой символ
                  int magic=-1,       // идентификатор, если -1 то любой идентификатор
                  int cmd=-1          // торговая операция, если -1 любая торговая операция
   double profit=0;
   int total=OrdersHistoryTotal();
   for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)
      if(OrderSymbol()==symbol || symbol!=NULL)
         if(OrderMagicNumber()==magic || magic==-1)
            if(OrderType()==cmd || cmd==-1)
double Balans(
              datetime start_time,// C какой даты. Дата, представленная в виде количества секунд, прошедших после 00:00 1 января 1970 года.
              datetime stop_time,// По какую дату. Дата, представленная в виде количества секунд, прошедших после 00:00 1 января 1970 года.
   double profit=0;
   int total=OrdersHistoryTotal();
   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
      if(OrderCloseTime()<start_time || OrderCloseTime()>stop_time)continue;


test02.mq4  8 kb
Sergey Gritsay:

This advisor shows in the upper left corner the percentage of profit or loss for a set period

Thank you.

There is a function which calculates the number of losing positions for the whole period.

What can I change to see the number of losing positions closed today in a row?

int GetLastNegativeOrdersCount()
  int PosCnt = 0;
  int cnt = HistoryTotal();
  for (int i = cnt-1; i >=0; i--) {
    if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue;
    if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
    if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue;

    int type = OrderType();
    if (type != OP_BUY && type != OP_SELL) continue;
    if (OrderProfit()+OrderSwap()+OrderCommission() > 0) break;


  return (PosCnt);

Thank you.

There is a function which counts the number of losing positions over time.

What should I change to find out the number of losing positions closed today in a row?

int GetLastNegativeOrdersCount()
  int PosCnt = 0;
  int cnt = HistoryTotal();
  for (int i = cnt-1; i >=0; i--) {
    if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue;
    if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
    if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue;

    int type = OrderType();
    if (type != OP_BUY && type != OP_SELL) continue;
    if (OrderProfit()+OrderSwap()+OrderCommission() > 0) break;


  return (PosCnt);
Add one more condition: if the order closing time is less than the current D1 candle opening time, then continue;
Artyom Trishkin:
Add one more condition: if the closing time of the order is less than the opening time of the current D1 candle, then continue;

Thank you.

if (iTime(Symbol(),1440,0)>OrderCloseTime()) continue;

Thank you.

if (iTime(Symbol(),1440,0)>OrderCloseTime()) continue;

Not quite like this.

Like this - OrderSymbol()

if(iTime(OrderSymbol(),PERIOD_D1,0)>=OrderCloseTime()) continue;

Or like this:

if(OrderCloseTime()<iTime(OrderSymbol(),PERIOD_D1,0)) continue;
Artyom Trishkin:

Not quite like this.

Like this - OrderSymbol()

Thank you.

Dear. Please advise how to add text to the EA input parameters window.
Mikhail Goryunov:
Dear. Please advise how to add text to the EA input parameters window.
input int    MetaQuotes = 30;
input bool   MetaQuotes = true;
input double MetaQuotes = 20.3;
input string MetaQuotes = "Corp";
Vitaly Muzichenko:
input int    MetaQuotes = 30;
input bool   MetaQuotes = true;
input double MetaQuotes = 20.3;
input string MetaQuotes = "Corp";

Thanks + in rep. Figured it out, I read the tutorial about externalinput variables, it's not very well described. It's clearer and more obvious from the example.

sinput string MetaQuotes = "бла бла текс";
Mikhail Goryunov:

Thanks + in rep. Figured it out, I read the tutorial about externalinput variables, it's not very well described. It's clearer and clearer in the example.

sinput string MetaQuotes = "бла бла текс";

If you add comments to each line, it'll be more interesting:

input    int      MetaQuotes1    =  30;         // Описание входного параметра 1
input    bool     MetaQuotes2    =  true;       // Описание входного параметра 2
input    double   MetaQuotes3    =  20.3;       // Описание входного параметра 3
input    string   MetaQuotes4    =  "Corp";     // Описание входного параметра 4

and if you make an enumeration and use it instead of a bool, it's even more interesting:

enum enumYN
   enYes =  1,    // Да
   enNo  =  0,    // Нет

input    int      MetaQuotes1    =  30;         // Описание входного параметра 1
input    enumYN   MetaQuotes2    =  enYes;      // Описание входного параметра 2
input    double   MetaQuotes3    =  20.3;       // Описание входного параметра 3
input    string   MetaQuotes4    =  "Corp";     // Описание входного параметра 4

and sinput allows you to exclude a variable from the list of variables for optimization. For example, the variable MetaQuotes4 in this context is not necessary for optimization, and it can be excluded:

enum enumYN
   enYes =  1,    // Да
   enNo  =  0,    // Нет

input    int      MetaQuotes1    =  30;         // Описание входного параметра 1
input    enumYN   MetaQuotes2    =  enYes;      // Описание входного параметра 2
input    double   MetaQuotes3    =  20.3;       // Описание входного параметра 3
sinput   string   MetaQuotes4    =  "Corp";     // Описание входного параметра 4