Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 390


Noticed a cool coincidence. A picture is attached.

What's stopping you from attaching pictures normally, via Ctrl+Alt+I?

What's stopping you from attaching pictures normally, via Ctrl+Alt+I?

"Crookedness (lack of understanding of the process (perhaps a passive form of retardation))." :)

You know those mutations where the hands grow strangely out of the anus? I don't know, but I hear the phrase all the time:
- "Hands grow out of my ass. - .

It's a pity I have a hard time understanding the phraseology, as I have an analytical mind (the predominance of the analytical mind over the reactive mind).

"Crookedness (misunderstanding of the process (perhaps a passive form of retardation)." :)

You know those mutations where hands grow weirdly out of the anus? I don't know, but I hear the phrase all the time:
- "Hands grow out of my ass. - .

It's a pity I have a hard time understanding the phraseology, as I have an analytical mind (the predominance of the analytical mind over the reactive mind).

And your analytical mind does not allow you to understand how to attach a picture to your post?

I'd rather have everyone download the archive to their computer, extract the picture from it and then see that there is some bullshit?

Does your anal-l-l-l-l-l-lytic mind not imagine that this is a simple disrespect for people?


"Crookedness (lack of understanding of the process (perhaps a passive form of retardation))." :)

You know those mutations where the hands grow strangely out of the anus? I don't know, but I hear the phrase all the time:
- "Hands grow out of my ass. - .

It's a pity that I have a hard time understanding the phraseology, as I have an analytical mind (the predominance of the analytical mind over the reactive mind).

You have a reactive mind - first we do quickly, and then think, what we did and why it does not work

"Crookedness (lack of understanding of the process (perhaps a passive form of retardation))." :)

You know those mutations where the hands grow strangely out of the anus? I don't know, but I hear the phrase all the time:
- "Hands grow out of my ass. - .

It's a pity I have a hard time understanding the phraseology, as I have an analytical mind (the predominance of the analytical mind over the reactive mind).

string R_time_1 = TimeToStr(Time[p],TIME_SECONDS);
R_time          = StrToDouble(R_time_1); 
string T_time_1 = TimeToStr(Time[p],TIME_MINUTES);
T_time          = StrToDouble(T_time_1);
string B_time_1 = TimeToStr(Time[p],TIME_DATE);
B_time          = StrToDouble(B_time_1);
A_time          = R_time * T_time * B_time;
Let's wait for the analytical solution, not the anal one.
How to make a 5-digit quote look like 1.12340, so that the 5th digit is always 0
How to make a 5 digit quote look like 1.12340, so that the 5th digit is always 0

NormalizeDouble ( double value, 4)
see if this helps.

NormalizeDouble ( double value, 4)
see if this helps.

Doesn't help!(

You have a reactive mind - first we do it quickly, and then we think about what we did and why it doesn't work

So the learning process is proceeding at a tremendous pace!

And your analytical mind does not allow you to understand how to attach a picture to your post?

It's better for everyone to download an archive to their computer, extract a picture from it and then see that there's some bullshit?

Your anal-l-l-l-l-litical mind doesn't realize that's just plain disrespectful to people.

From what you responded to me, I will highlight the main point:
- Please do not upload files to the forum that do not coincide with the subject matter of the forum. - .
I agree with you. I broke the rules for nothing.

Let's wait for an analytical solution, not an anal one
If it doesn't work, I'll ask for help. )

It doesn't work!(

Give details of the code, what's not working.