[ARCHIVE]Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Can't go anywhere without you - 5. - page 296


There are at least three ways:

1. Take an accelerated course of study by correspondence. Self-education is acceptable.

2. Find a programmer whose style appeals to you and try to become their apprentice.

3. Put out an application to Job for hands-on training, outlining an amount sufficient to buy the necessary amount of beer.

This one goes out to Victor.

There is no ideal! I just watch people who write, so to speak, for a general outlook. Sometimes I find some tricks I can learn from. Sometimes I see that the code is not readable at all. Like tarasBY's, for example. No matter how hard I try, it cannot be read. I can read it in clear segments and then bam! I can't understand anything further. And so in many places.

I've tried to decompile by request of my friends, and it's easier to understand than tarasBY's code. Maybe it's kind of normal, but I doubt that many people downloading them will understand. Who is too clever to understand them, they will not download... Then the question arises why publish them there :)

It's 2 o'clock already, you're taking a long time.

I'm Greenwich Mean Time.

There is no ideal! I just watch people who write, so to speak, for general outlook. Sometimes I find some tricks I may learn from others. Sometimes I see that the code is not readable at all. Like tarasBY's, for example. No matter how hard I try, it cannot be read. I can read it in clear segments and then bam! I can't understand anything further. And so in many places.

I'm a friend who asked me to decompile, and it's easier to understand there than tarasBY's codes. Maybe it's kind of normal, but I doubt that many downloaders will understand them. Who is too clever to understand them, they will not download... Then the question arises why post them there :)

So, Taras beer do not offer:)
Well, I don't offer beer to anyone, as I don't drink it myself. But I can offer you a mushroom or a juice... :)
So the third option is ruled out.
Agreed, let's treat him to a mushroom :)

Why are you making a clown show here? If there is an error, you must either report it to Service Desk or make your own copy of the file.

Dima, do you live in the USA? Zadornov comes to mind here...

A normal person would correct a mistake right in the library, so as not to wait for developers' indulgence and not to change inclusion declarations in all projects.

This is for MT4 environment.


For VS, if I find error in WinAPI-functions or in STL, of course I inform Microsoft, but at the same time I write my own implementation of this function without errors. After that I never use this function again.


I have a good acquaintance in one of the North Caucasus republics who used to bribe prosecutors with live fish, which made him famous.

He was the director of a fishery.

ZS Vadim, this is definitely not for you :)


I'm in Greenwich.
Do you live in England?
Time is measured by Greenwich Mean Time.