Looking for a competent manager - page 13

You get 0 as a result, and the condition is calculated piece by piece.

I'm more confused by this, if 5 trades and no more than a total drawdown of 200 then 200/5 = 40 pips

6) * Maximum floating drawdown on all positions on the account is no more than 200 points.

10) Negative trades should be approximately always the same (for example, it is quite normal when negative trades are 40-60-80 pips, but negative trades like 200-300 pips do not fit here. if this is observed, it means that trader is relying more on luck, than following plan)

11) * Deals should hang for a couple of hours and at most for a couple of days.

i dont understand is it 4 signs?

If he has a 4 digit drawdown, it's a huge drawdown. 40 pips for a 4 digit max. 400 pips on a 5 digit max. 350 pips on a 5 digit max. drawdown.


There is no one in the pamas who meets the requirements. That's why Monsieur came here.

So help this monsieur, Vladimir. You fit his requirements perfectly.)

100 - 20% = 80;
80 - 20% = 64;
64 - 20% = 51.2;
40.96 - 20% = 32.77;
32.77 - 20% = 26.22;

Each new trading cycle starts again. The 1st trading cycle has nothing to do with the 3rd, they are different cycles, why are you subtracting?


0.8 of 100 is 0.8%.


So, gentlemen, no need to "la-la-la", get behind the desk yourself please.


Also, have you considered why the broker is taking a big risk with a small MC level? He is indeed taking a risk. Only with what?
And this is what - giving money to the trader after "over sitting".


Each new trading cycle starts again. The 1st trading cycle has nothing to do with the 3rd, they are different cycles, why are you subtracting?


0.8 of 100 is 0.8%.


So, gentlemen, no need to "la-la-la", get behind the desk yourself please.


Also, have you ever wondered why the broker is taking a big risk with a small MC level? He is indeed taking a risk. Only with what?
And this is what - giving money to the trader after "over sitting".

If that's the way you count, then you obviously need to become a manager. Read the title of the thread "looking for a competent manager".

I have always been amazed at calculating bank interest, here too is no exception)))


My understanding of his condition is that he agrees to dump 20% in five trades. What I bought for, I sold for! He was joking and I was joking. Or what?

And I'm always at the desk! As they say, it's never too late to learn! Mental exercise is better than physical exercise! Listen to biologist scientist Sergei Savelyev! (Corrected believe it!)


_ Mental exercise is more useful than physical exercise! Listen to biologist Sergei Vasiliev!

Where? Is there a link?

Each new trading cycle starts again. The 1st trading cycle has nothing to do with the 3rd, they are different cycles, why are you subtracting?


0.8 of 100 is 0.8%.


So, gentlemen, no need to "la-la-la", get behind the desk yourself please.


And also, have you thought about why the broker is taking a big risk with a small MC? He really is taking a risk. Only with what?
And this is what - giving money to the trader after "over sitting".

Deposit = 100 tugriks right, of them we can risk only 20% right, that is 20 tugriks, so why are you again taking these 20 tugriks and take 20% from them and not from the deposit as stated in the condition?

I don't get it, honestly.


I should have been racking my brains at night, I wonder.

If we take the total deposit even according to your logic (I'm guessing roughly) then the 1st cycle should not be 20% or we will immediately run out of the percentage limit, right?

Each trading cycle is different. First the deposit was 100, then it became 20, then 4. 20% is a level at which a position is automatically closed, it is a kind of protection for the broker from the trader's over-exposure.
In the second cycle the risk is not 20%, but 80%, as in other cycles.
Each trading cycle is different. First the deposit was 100, then it became 20, then 4. 20% is a level at which a position is automatically closed, it is a kind of protection for the broker from the trader's over-exposure.
In the second cycle the risk is not 20%, but 80%, as in other cycles.

This is not right, you are going in the wrong direction. In the first cycle you have an 80% drawdown, which does not correspond to the condition.