FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 287

There has to be a momentum ))))

There's no way without momentum )))) and it could be the clue where to go next )))) or they'll make it even more foggy ))))
draw, dearie, a PROFIT with a white poker... )))

pokers, pokers, fairy tales, fairy tales... it's all over dear )))) go on your own...

we draw it ourselves - we pour it ourselves )))


It is impossible without the impulse )))) and it may be the clue where we will go next )))) or they will fog it up even more ))))
The exit is forecasted to go down, but it is at the level of deflation that we have to watch)))

pokers, pokers, fairy tales, fairy tales... it's all over darling ))))) further on yourselves...

we draw it ourselves - we pour it ourselves )))

I do it myself... drink by myself, go for a walk, puke by myself, clean up by myself... )))
I do it myself... I drink by myself, I take a walk by myself, I throw up by myself, I clean up by myself... )))

I'm a reaper and reaper and reaper )))...

There will not be a hit )))) Changed forecast, exit from upward momentum ))))

Going for the second peak )))

So much for fairy tales...and good for whoever listened )))...


Yes, a strong level, and also 1.2910 is now contract and we have gone under it. What's stopping us from making such a move(rice)? Right, nothing)))

P.S. This is not a forecast)

Very nice analysis Kitsan

Nah... I'm done... I'm done... I don't know what to do... You don't know what to do... and then you have to explain it to the shitheads)))... I might come by sometime for a flub...))