FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 200

How far? I think we were going down, or am I wrong?

well, if you were going down, good luck ))) the goals are approximate and are changing with the situation, the past ones have been worked out, but the present ones are in progress )))

well, if you're going, good riddance))) the goals are approximate and are changing with the situation, the past is worked out, but the present is in progress)))
but in russian ....?
How about if it's russian....?
You know, there's a lot of fog around here...
How about in russian....?

how else in russian? )))) I'm not going anywhere, I trade what I see, and down or up is as the situation will show, or do you need a ready-made solution?)

What a boring crowd. I give trolling lessons - the first lesson is free. (expensive)

Sunny, I'll take the lessons, but the price is unclear - how much will I get?
you will have a lot of trolling experience, today only, you are in luck friend, this course is for you, today only. you get a fantastic opportunity. )))
You don't understand, experience is fun, but I'm interested in trolling for money. For 30 bucks a day I'm willing to learn to death...

What's that? Where did you see that? Huh? I didn't sign up for it ))))
I'm sorry, my spleen is telling me you won't get any apologists and you'll lose your gift in vain!!!
eh, i wiped away a man's tear.... what do you think? there's no way? you have to pay to listen to this crap?
Yes, yes, yes (enthusiastically), and I, as the one who threw the light of truth on this confusing question, will be the first, and a lot...
I teach and the money comes later ))) I agree in general.
Money in the evening and chairs in the morning. We could do it the other way round, but money first...