FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 591

Which ones? Be more specific, if you please. And when have I ever loved Asians, I can't remember...

At least the Internet we use to communicate )))) Don't take it personally - people often see their views as part of themselves ))))

Hi! You're right about the childhood. I owe it to them, because they had sold out by then, but we didn't - we made it out alive)))

Who's we?

That's it, I'm off for a beer)))


I've always been amazed at theUNAPPELLATION of judgement. You know what Socrates said: "I know that I know nothing!" That's why, if you had studied Philosophy at least at the institute, the following law would have been explained to you (I sketched it out as best I could, don't judge:))

It turns out that the Ignorance of a Wise Man is always greater than the Ignorance of a Fool. Therefore a wise man always doubts, and fools are always categorical, because for them everything is easy, simple and understandable because of lack of knowledge. I didn't want to offend anyone. I just gave my humble opinion as a lykbosis.

it's a big picture. if i were younger it would inspire (sigh) but alas.... philosophy and economics are different sciences )))) (although I've read practically every philosopher.)

P.S. And by the way (not without pride !!!) I was a machine in philosophy after the 2nd lecture after talking to the lecturer )))) so that's how ... so )))


Who are we?

We are us))) I wonder how old the wizard is?

We are us))) I wonder how old the wizard is?

Which one? Merlin's three thousand, Merwin's five thousand and Hendalf has lived 60 human lives ))))

We are us))) I wonder how old the wizard is?
Well, went out for a beer and byemotraid:)

That's it, I'm off for a beer)))

is there such a tick_cluster for mt4?

At least the Internet we now use to communicate )))) Don't take it personally - people often think of their views as part of themselves ))))
The internet was developed by the US military back in the early 60's, probably earlier. The USSR also had its own network at the same time, even wireless, only it was used (and is still used in Russia) by the Armed Forces.
There you go, went for a beer andcame back toemotraid:))

How not to go back to it?)))

