FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 194

If the price jumps 120 pips on the Asian session, I will eat my hat. And if by 17:00 the price passes 1220 pips, to the level of 1.44 - I will eat all the hats in the nearest shop. I wish you the same)))
Vahrameev_A_A: You misunderstood something, the prices are not listed here, this is a square of 12 Gunn. And the numbers that you took for some reason for the price, are only the serial number of the square) 12x12=144
And what's the point of publishing some squares without specifying prices? It's not all traded on the Gunn ...

You misunderstood something, the prices are not listed here, this is a square of 12 Gunn. And the numbers that you took for a price, for some reason, are only the serial number of the square) 12x12=144
Thank God for that, because I thoughtsomething was wrong in the Danish kingdom... . So at the aforementioned time, we'll be expecting pints... let them be... at least on the minutes...

What's the point? I'll post last Friday) And I think it will be clear what the point of time is for trading)

Friday's turns were at 2:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 16:00. according to the Alpari server. 25% hit. That's a bit weak... maybe there's something wrong with the square settings????

Good night.
Good night.

You're excused) Go on, sleep well.

Yeah, I looked at the last few pages... and I thought I was the fantasist....

Turnovers were at 2:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 4:00 p.m . according to the Alpari server . 25% hits. That's kind of weak... maybe there's something wrong with the quad settings????

Bullshit, 100% hits, you're just too lazy to look into it.

Yeah, I looked at the last few pages... and I thought I was the fantasist....


+1 so it will be.....but the bottom may not break through (50 will be) .... That depends on Margaret :))

As I said in the summer that there would be talk of default in Greece for half a year, but it won't happen - so it did... Now from March 21-23 the banks and other major players should start to analyze the market situation and adjust their portfolios (there should be strong movements on those days, as there will be major buying and selling... By the end of the month they should decide on the main direction of movement for the next six months.