The definitive one hundred percent, post. - page 5


Quantum physics is not nonsense, it is the reality of this world. If the processes that occur in the quantum world cannot be described by conventional logic, it does not mean that it is nonsense.

Can you explain why the analysis of Japanese candlesticks is fundamentally different from the TA you dislike so much?

You need both approaches: from the general to the particular and from the particular to the general. They complement and inseparate each other.

Well, what did quantum physics give to a man, except for tickling of brains? It gave more questions than answers. And in the end everything will come not to a logical explanation, but to faith. That is, either the human mind recognises the process of further splitting of matter as nonsense, or it recognises God as the Creator of all things, who is the universal function of all things, as opposed to the function of Yusuf. ))) But one way or another one will have to believe in something, at least in the impossibility of cognition.

And as for the Japanese analysis, it contains the beginnings of a qualitative market analysis. If you like, a structural analysis. All the Japanese candlestick patterns are like the letters in the alphabet of the language in which the market tells about itself. But here we can see the great difficulty in translation. That's all ))). In the Western TA I see nothing but conversion of some numbers to others. Well, people were clever too and understood that quotes do not go straight to their brains. The best of the worst they had was a price chart, that is a display of a huge self-limiting structure in a moment. What did they do? They started to measure it with a ruler and compasses from all sides and to fit the results with the ideal model. Then these ideal models accumulated a lot. They printed beautiful pictures of GA in books and told about them at the courses. And a lot of people rushed to the forum to get their first lakh. Then you know everything.

And finally. As strange as it may seem, the largest fortunes in the Forex market were made not on the trading robots and not on stochastics. )))


And lastly. The biggest fortunes in forex were not made on charts or stochastics, as strange as it may seem. )))

And not on the Japanese candlesticks. I wonder if there is a pattern of Japanese candlesticks, which gives profits in the tester just like that? If so, please enlighten me, I do not know about it.

Well, what has quantum physics given man, apart from tickling his brains? It has posed more questions than answers. And in the end everything will come to not a logical explanation, but a belief. That is, either the human mind recognises the process of further splitting of matter as nonsense, or it recognises God as the Creator of all things, who is the universal function of all things, as opposed to the function of Yusuf. ))) But one way or another one will have to believe in something, if only in the impossibility of cognition.

By dissecting matter, we get closer and closer to "God". God is inside, hidden like matryoshka doll, and it takes more energy to find it.
artikul: Well, what has quantum physics given man, apart from tickling his brains? It has posed more questions than answers.

Without quantum mechanics you certainly would not be able to write this text behind a computer screen. I have a degree in microelectronics engineering, so I know exactly what I'm talking about.

And most modern household appliances would not exist without it, because people, for example, would not know how to purify silicon to such crazy purity and why it should be so purified.


Without quantum mechanics you certainly would not have had an opportunity to write this text behind a computer screen. I have a degree in microelectronics engineering, so I know exactly what I'm talking about.

And most modern household appliances wouldn't exist without it, because people wouldn't know how to purify silicon to such crazy purity and why it has to be purified that way, for example.

And fundamentally? ))) TA also gives a profit and is useful in local cases, and in terrestrial conditions thanks to Newtonian mechanics we drive cars and lifts. So what? ))) Many people are happy, by the way. A man has learned to solve many momentary problems and solve small ones. But globally? It is still there. Again, it is all about belief, axioms and postulates. The Western school deeply believes that the whole equals the sum of the parts. It manifests in everything in their way of life, their attitude to nature, to the economy, to man, to society to everything. It is a whole flawed worldview. And their quantum physics has long been simply screaming that the whole is not the sum of the parts at all, but something else. But it took billions, writing a bunch of books to understand the simple bullshit known to our distant ancestors, whom we consider stupider than ourselves. They were smarter, by the way, and got along just fine without refined silicon. )))

Exactly the same as on non-Japanese candlesticks. I wonder if there is a Japanese candlestick pattern that gives profits in the tester just like that? If so, please enlighten me, I don't know about it.
Not really. The structure is only a prediction, which is important, but it's not an entry point yet)))

By splitting matter, we get closer and closer to "God". God is inside, hidden like a nesting doll, and it takes more energy to find it.
Nope )))) God is outside ))))
artikul: By the way they were smarter and could manage without refined silicon. )))

So you are really prepared to give up all the electronic benefits of modernity? I think you're obviously lying...

By the way, you should shave even with an axe because modern blades have laser sharpening, which would be unthinkable without quantum mechanics.


By splitting matter, we get closer and closer to "God". God is inside, hidden like a nesting doll, and it takes more energy to find it.

There will always be something further and deeper and smaller (it is like studying small particles first with a magnifying glass, then with a microscope, then with a super microscope (note that all these tools are material), etc. the tool will be perfected, but the subject will not become spiritual to the end), through the spiritual you can come to the material, through the material to the spiritual - never.

So you are really prepared to give up all the electronic benefits of modernity? I think you are clearly lying...

No, of course not )))) I do not need to tell you about necessary and sufficient conditions ))))