Where should the TC be placed? - page 13


Honestly, I've been looking for a place to put it since the beginning... Well, at the very least I'll pinch off the Forox myself little by little...

1. I might think of telling you for it, but not right away...

2. What would you do, Mischke?

1. Give us a hint for now and we'll think about it.

2. I'd read your private message...


Honestly, I've been looking for a place to put it since the beginning... At the very least, I'll pinch off the Forox myself little by little...

I might think of telling you for it, but not right away...

What would you do, Mischke?

...when Libyan children are dying under NATO bombs and the Israeli military ...

All the kids...


... when Libyan children are killed by NATO bombs and the Israeli military ...

everything to the children.

Children is a tried-and-true method that works without fail.

The great combine, Comrade Bender, realizing the value of this finding, did all his illicit deeds under the banner of "helping the children of the starving Volga region"...



... when Libyan children are dying under NATO bombs and the Israeli military ...

So everything to the children.

In Israel there will be peace soon, with the whole Middle East) Egypt also wants its POWs back home)


There will be peace soon in Israel, with the entire Middle East).

Exchange rate 1:1000

The exchange rate is 1:1,000.
Yeah, and you think they lost out on what? It's a lot smarter than that. A whole thousand mouths to feed no more)

Israel will be at peace soon, with the entire Middle East) Egypt already wants its POWs back home too)

There will be no peace unfortunately.
And characteristically, not a word about the Libyan children. It's not that we don't feel sorry for them.
And characteristically, not a word about the Libyan children. It's not that we don't feel sorry for them.
Do you think that if the locals here would have a little chat (and that would be the end of it) about Libyan children, the Libyan children would immediately get a better life and the *** that NATO has set up there would stop?
Here's another system safely fallen into place. Beard. Would have beaten the laziness and become a trillionaire.But sales are so sales))))To raise your hand who knew how it would end.