Dependency statistics in quotes (information theory, correlation and other feature selection methods) - page 53


But the docs could easily start reading courses on econometrics as well. Five hours each, for example. Will that prove anything?

Econometrics is not obvious. And not everyone understands mathematics. In the kitchen, the main thing - to attract and create the illusion of a neophyte that he has joined the secret knowledge. What will be the use of statistics?

What is the profit of "non-fading patterns"? Where does the money come from? :)

That they are eternal. But that's if you learn how to use them. And don't show them to anybody.

Oh, my goodness! The pattern is not for prediction? You enter the pose without predicting success? Just from the ball?

Yeah, that's about right. But not just from the spit, but by using clear rules. But I don't predict success, I track it. I'm not the only one. A lot of us do.

Although, of course, an implicit prediction is present and it is in the rules.

Things that are eternal and fundamental don't go stale;)
Can't you name at least one eternal thing in the marketplace, and at the same time provide proof of eternity?

Econometrics is not obvious. And not everyone understands the maths either.

In that they are eternal. But that's if you learn how to use them. And don't show them to anyone.

Where does a trader's profit come from? Law of conservation of money in nature)) For someone to make money, someone has to lose it.


The thing about them is that they last forever. But that's if you learn how to use them. And don't show them to anyone.

I think you can make serious progress if you settle in Tibet - all the sacred knowledge seems to be there.
Avals: For someone to gain money, someone has to lose it.

If one considers that the instrument is absolutely liquid at sufficiently low volumes, then this can be reworded: "In order for someone to make money, they must use a working (=profitable) pattern".

Econometrics is not obvious. And not everyone understands the maths either.

In that they are eternal. But that's if you learn how to use them. And don't show them to anyone.

Tadv, Vadimchi's channels and swings are in the public domain, but they haven't stopped working and never will. They are eternal. Because they have an indestructible foundation at their base and are built on patterns that are outside the market.

Tadv, Vadimchi's channels and swings are in the public domain, but they haven't stopped working and never will. They are eternal. Because they have an indestructible foundation at their base and are built on patterns that are outside the market.
what are they? - TAdv, Channels and Swings Vadimchi
Wow! The pattern is not for prediction? You enter the pose without predicting success? Just out of the blue?

I forgot, I thought I'd add to it. It is for prediction that I want to apply TI to patterns.
If one assumes that the instrument is absolutely liquid at sufficiently low volumes, then this can be restated: "In order for someone's money to be profitable, they must use a working (=profitable) pattern".

In order to make a profit, there must be a directional movement. That is, this pattern signals a point in time when quite a few people will start buying or selling through the market. What can encourage them to do this regularly, in any market and forever)?