Boomerang - page 4

A business plan is not a questionnaire that you can fill out...
For your idea, a business plan will cost at least 10k(usd).
Do you think it will not pay off many times over? The protection document of the respective country will be obtained jointly on the basis of the existing document
Mavrodi is among us. The question is, who will provide the budgets for the project? Does the cost include the hefty kickbacks that the relevant authorities will have to make? And the final question is, what is the actual principle behind the product range?
In order not to run into a big budget, you have to start small and then expand at the expense of profits, especially since both parties are interested here. Kickbacks are like in any business, i.e. as a percentage of profit, I think you are right, it may be impossible to do without them. In our country, for example, state agencies started supporting the idea under the slogan "Helping the public from entrepreneurs". The principle of formation at the beginning is as follows: try to cover the whole range of goods and services in each region with a minimum of outlets, the rest will come on their own.
The idea is not new, there are such systems, and they work.

Why do I need you if you have nothing...

As long as there's nothing concrete, we're talking about nothing.

The idea is not new, there are such systems, and they work.

Why do I need you if you have nothing...

As long as there's nothing concrete, we're talking about nothing.

What exactly are you interested in? Can you give me an example of a project that works on this principle?

The main motive is to obtain the forum participants' opinions on such activities in the market; believe me, there are many participants here who are very good at assessing any situation in the market.

If you came to me with a million and your TOR for the expert, I would have asked the same question: why do you need the SECRET FUTURE of making money on forex, if you already have a steady source of solid income!

that's the motive i was asking about ;)

What exactly are you interested in? Can you give an example of a project that works along these lines?

A business plan for your region.

Search for it yourself.


If you came to me with a million and your TOR for an expert, I would have asked the same question: why do you need the SECRET FUTURE of making money on forex, if you already have a steady, solid source of income!

that's the motive i was asking about ;)

It's a matter of principle, let both directions go, time will tell which is preferable. I've thrown all the cash around 10k into the idea and would like the participants to comment on its flaws, if any. It is encouraging to hear that such projects are working somewhere.

Hmm, erased my post, and I guessed correctly the purpose of the topic - the destruction of all Forex

Yusuf, I suspect that you do not believe that you can lose a million in a couple of days if you do not have a profitable TS with clear rules, read, for example about Lady_X, by the way, she plays with her own money


Hm, erased my post, and I guessed correctly the purpose of the topic - the destruction of all Forex

Yusuf, I suspect that you do not believe that you can lose a million in a couple of days if there is no profitable TS with clear rules, read, for example about Lady_X, by the way, she plays with her own money.

Yes. :-P And quite, at times, quite good. This is a real PAMM Star.

Here it is just another rubbish. Everything, IMHO.


If you came to me with a million and your TOR for an expert, I would have asked the same question: why do you need the SECRET FUTURE of making money on forex , if you already have a steady, solid source of income!

that's the motive i was asking about ;)

The answer is yes, forex can consistently return 5%/month of any capital, which in the end is more than any business income.