Boomerang - page 2


If, within a few pages, you don't come up with a concrete workable algorithm or code proposal, then the topic will be happily demolished as another one of your flooding.

Okay, now I'll lay out the gist of the proposal, and you judge whether or not to keep the topic.

In brief, the algorithm is as follows: In each city or region, an association of outlets and entities providing paid services to the public is created, we seek agreement on the trade discount, for example at 5%, in exchange for the intensification of their activities, which in competition is not excluded, and from customers they charge the full amount of the purchase. Each customer registers the amount of their purchase against their phone number (or other combination of 9 digits). Trade discounts are collected centrally in one computer from all Boomerang outlets and periodically drawn among the participants. One balloon out of 10 is drawn. For example, the number 3 is drawn. All the customers whose phone number ends with ********3 are declared to have won 10% of the value of their purchases within the circulation period. The ball is returned to the lotto, the next one drawn, e.g. 8. It is announced that all customers whose numbers end in the numbers *******38 can get back 25% of the value of their purchases. If 3 is drawn next, all holders of ******383 numbers get 50% of the value of their purchases, and if 5 is drawn fourth, all holders of *****5383 numbers get 100% of the value of their purchases from all Boomerang outlets over the past year, regardless of their size. Vendors will benefit from the turnover, and customers will get a refund of the money spent on their own purchases. For now. If you have any questions, I will answer them.

Igor, have you forgotten how the topicstarter usually behaves? Everything or almost everything is done by someone else's hands, as his own are not sharpened for it yet. There is no particular desire to sharpen them. You can quite successfully steer the process by expressing all sorts of clever thoughts.
I am surprised that as soon as you open your mouth, you find yourself defending your position and it turns out that it is always better to be silent.

If you have any questions, I'll answer them.

Who will do the business plan?

P.S. Approximately such discount-collectors are available in Europe, online.


Okay, now I'll lay out the gist of the proposal, and you judge whether or not to keep the topic.

In brief, the algorithm is as follows: In each city or region, an association of outlets and entities providing paid services to the public is created, we seek agreement on the trade discount, for example at 5%, in exchange for the intensification of their activities, which in competition is not excluded, and from customers they charge the full amount of the purchase. Each customer registers the amount of their purchase against their phone number (or other combination of 9 digits). Trade discounts are collected centrally in one computer from all Boomerang outlets and periodically drawn among the participants. One balloon out of 10 is drawn. For example, the number 3 is drawn. All the customers whose phone number ends with ********3 are declared to have won 10% of the value of their purchases within the circulation period. The ball is returned to the lotto, the next one drawn, e.g. 8. It is announced that all customers whose numbers end in the numbers *******38 can get back 25% of the value of their purchases. If 3 is drawn next, all holders of ******383 numbers get 50% of the value of their purchases, and if 5 is drawn fourth, all holders of *****5383 numbers get 100% of the value of their purchases from all Boomerang outlets in the past year, regardless of their size. Vendors will benefit from the turnover, and customers will get a refund of the money spent on their own purchases. For now. If you have any questions, I will answer them.

If the buyer has bought! which discounts, that's it, goodbye! If he's still thinking... - there are discounts on offer.

Where does the money come from? What kind of product? (weed can go! - (sellers, buyers - happy; they don't need sales area +, there is a possibility of raffling off phones, giving away a prize) (deliveries?)


yosuf: Я удивляюсь, как только открываеш рот, попадаеш в зашищающего свою позицию субъекта и получается, что лучше всегда молчать.

This mega idea is not relevant to the main topic of the forum. Don't be silent if there are other ideas relevant to the forum.


I suggest you earn funds on the side, by bringing in other business opportunities, accumulate the said amount and return to the forex market with an unsinkable deposit.

umm... i obviously missed or misunderstood. are you going to make 1m on the side and then "invest the money in forex", as i understand to earn even more?

Then why do you need Forex if you can earn without it?

You open one bakery and earn 1 mn for a year. i think it would be better to invest the profit in opening another ten bakeries and you would earn another 10 mn. by that time the business is well known and the suppliers are offering good prices and you know your business. .... why would you want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? why would you "boomerang" back to forex?


This mega idea is not relevant to the main topic of the forum. Don't be silent if there are other ideas relevant to the forum.

I agree, all forums have off-loading threads where any non-prohibited topics are discussed, I ask, as an exception, to allow this situation to be clarified with forum members...
I agree, all forums have unloading threads where any non-prohibited topics are discussed, I would ask that as an exception, you be allowed to

If it's a discussion about forex specifics, then maybe.

If it's a discussion of demagoguery, then no.


If the buyer has bought! what discounts, that's it, goodbye! If he's still thinking... - there are discounts on offer.

Where does the money come from? (weed can go! - (sellers, buyers - happy; they don't need sales area +, there is a possibility of raffling off phones, giving away a prize) (deliveries?)

The buyer bought only because there is the possibility of a refund up to the full amount of money spent, and the discount is credited to the account organizers "Boomerang", from which they pay these prizes. Buyers never lose, they can only win. High competition will encourage sellers to join the Boomerang network.

If it's a discussion of forex specifics, maybe.

If it's demagoguery, no.

Let's try not to stray too far from forex and return the earnings, if any, to forex and compete with it.