How to use the function of ChartTimePriceToXY()?


When I use the function of ChartTimePriceToXY() to convert time and price coordination to x and y coordination, I need transfer the time and price and address of x and address of y to the function, the prototyeof this function is as follows:

bool  ChartTimePriceToXY(
   long           chart_id,     // Chart ID
   int            sub_window,   // The number of the subwindow
   datetime       time,         // Time on the chart
   double         price,        // Price on the chart
   int&           x,            // The X coordinate for the time on the chart
   int&           y             // The Y coordinates for the price on the chart


When I use it, there are allways wrong report. This  is how I use it:


This doesn't work. Then I changed. I use it like this:


This is not right too.

Please tell me how to fix it, and Thank you very much!

This is the right option. Perhaps the error is associated with arrays xxx and yyy.