FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 227

Margaret has disappeared...
it's up to you.
I've been sitting on it since April 11, still selling at 0.9075. The profit is now more than 10 figures and my system is still silent when I ask "when to close".
I've been sitting on it since April 11, still selling at 0.9075. Now the profit is already over 10 figures. and my system is still silent when I ask "when to close".

i'm doing it too. the correction should be there (hence the forecasts and 0.85 will be only when?)
Folks, who can tell me on the Canadian one-month dragon or not? Everything seems to be adding up nicely and the divert and the second leg is already being finished...
Do you think the audi-dollar can be banged back in?
Do you think the audi-dollar can be banged back in?
there is more chance of it going up than down.
I've been sitting on it since April 11, still selling at 0.9075. Now the profit is already over 10 figures. and my system is still silent when I ask "when to close".
Psychologically, I wanted to buy at 1.0, but fortunately I abstained. I do not really know where the support is to be found. And the last 3 years have been selling signals.
there is more chance of it going up than down.

Cgfcb,j!!! Thanks!!!

What is this? A report on the trades you make? Entry signal (free for now)? )))))))))))

Entry signals cannot be paid for... if they're right - I'll make money on them anyway...:-))


Currency strategists at UBS believe that although the United States is likely to avoid default, rating agencies could still downgrade the country's credit rating.

At the same time, the situation in Europe is far from optimistic as Greece faces the prospect of a selective default and the risks associated with the implementation of a second bailout programme as the EFSF bailout fund has not been expanded.

In addition, the euro will be negatively affected by renewed fears over the peripheral states in the region as well as deteriorating economic fundamentals in the eurozone core, in particular low PMIs in Germany and the monetary union as a whole, and a weak German IFO index.

As a result, specialists are advising to sell EUR/USD if the exchange rate rises to $1.44/1.45.

Credit Agricole analysts also say that the single currency will be vulnerable this week in case of negative news from the PIIGS countries. In addition, the bank points out that if economic data in Europe continues to deteriorate, investors will start to wonder whether the ECB made a mistake by raising rates in April and June.